dentex['denteks]n.【魚類】齒鯛(Dentex dentex)
dentex 產於地中海及北非大西洋沿岸的海鯛;牙鯛屬;布魯塞爾國際牙科技術展;Thysanactis dentex 纓光魚;Ecsenius dentex 大牙異齒鳚;Odontoscion dentex 石首魚;Osmerus dentex 胡瓜魚;
1.Quality control technology of light-salted and vinegar-cured Dentex tumiforns fillets in the industrial production was investigated. 本文研究了輕鹽醋漬黃鯛魚片工業化生產的工藝技術。
2.The appearance of 2 large and sharp spines at lower angle of external edge of the preopercle is also the symbol of the larval Dentex tumifrons. 前鰓蓋骨後緣下角出現2個擴大且尖銳的棘,是鑒別黃鯛仔魚的標誌之一。
3.Mediterranean fish such as tub gurnard, rocking, dentex and others became the backbone of his cuisine, notably in his version of the old local fish-soup recipe, "bouillabaisse." 魴魚、海鱈魚、鯛魚等其他地中海魚類都是他的主要食材,他將這些材料加入當地傳統的馬賽魚湯,創造出屬於自己的新菜餚。