high-calorie 高卡路里;high-calorie food 高熱量的食物;high-calorie overweight 高熱能超重;project of high-calorie coal gasification 高熱量煤氣化工程;high-calorie formula or breast milk 高熱量配方或母乳;
1.Humans still instinctively crave that high-calorie diet, even though our days of hunting are pretty much over. 人類的本能仍然是追求高能量飲食,雖然我們的日常生活已經不需要在野外打獵。
2.Nowadays, so many people were victims of obesity(肥胖), diabetes, and heart diseases, all related to over-taking of high-fat and high-calorie foods. 現今,如此多的人成為肥胖、糖尿病、心臟病的受害者,這些都跟過度攝入好脂肪和高熱量的食物有關。
3.Steer clear of the "addiction aisles" — the ones lined with potato chips and other high-fat, high-calorie snacks on one side, soda pop, liquor and candy along the other. 避開超市裡的「上癮走道」--這些走道上一邊排列著洋芋片和其它高脂、高卡路里的零食,另一邊則排列著汽水、烈酒和糖果。