Shape[ʃeip]n. 形狀;模型;身材;具體化vt. 形成;塑造,使成形;使符合vi. 形成;成形;成長
Shape 形狀;形式;模型;波形,輪廊; Shape 形shape distortion 變形;形狀畸變;take shape 成形;形成;成型;形成,具體化;particle shape 粒形;顆粒形狀;顆粒大小;顆粒外形;
1.To alter the shape of by pressure or stress. 使變形通過壓力或''。'拉力'。''改變…的形狀。
2.They are in every colour , every size , and every shape. 他們是各種顏色,大小不一,而且形態各異。
3.For the more radical futurologists, this is the shape of politics to come. 對於更激進的未來學家來說,這就是未來政治的形象。
I'm in the best shape of my life. - 我現在身體很好。
Look, simply shape up, or ship out! - 看,只有表現好些才可留下來。
You'll never be in shape until you eat less and exercisemore. - 只有少吃多鍛煉才能健美。
I like the shape of that table. - 我喜歡那桌子的形狀。
What's the shape of your balloon? - 你的氣球是什麼形狀?
I like the shape of that table. - 我喜歡那張桌子的形狀。
The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth had to be taken into account by its designer. - 由於橋身太長,設計者不得不考慮了地表的形狀。
You really see the shape of the land. - 你確能飽覽大地的風貌。
because this is easier to shape than other kinds. - 因為燧石較之其他石頭更容易成形。
The shape and dimensions of the skyscrapers depend entirely on the necessity of obtaining the maximum income per square foot of ground, - 每平方英尺地皮取得最大收入
feel that they have not received adequate treatment unless they are able to carry home with them some tangible remedy in the shape of a bottle of medicine, - 覺得沒算得到充分的治療,如果不能帶回一些看得見、摸得著的藥物回家的話,如一瓶藥水、
Our knowledge of the oceans a hundred years ago was confined to the two-dimensional shape of the sea surface and the hazards of navigation presented by the irregularities in depth of the shallow water close to the land. - 100年前,我們只知道海洋是二維平面形的,以及靠近陸地淺水區的深淺不一能給航行帶來危險。
he realizes its volume, as the space that the shape displaces in the air. - 他能意識到物體的體積,那就是它的形狀在空氣中所佔的空間。
And the sensitive observer of sculpture must also learn to feel shape simply as shape, - 因此,敏銳的雕塑觀賞者也必須學會把形體作為形體來感覺,
From the moment of his birth, the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour. - 從他呱呱墜地的時刻起,他所生於其中的風俗就開始塑造他的經歷和行為規範。
There is no superior 'they' in the shape of managements and hotel hierarchies to darken his holiday days. - 但在露營地裡根本不會有管人的人上人"和酒店裡的等級制度來使露營者的假日過得陰鬱低沉。
The order was in good shape when it left out factory. - 貨離開工廠時都是完好無缺的啊。
It follows the shape of the rock. - 它順著岩石的形狀。
n. shape cutting - 仿形切割
n. conical shape punch - 圓錐形沖桿
n. all-round shape memory effect - 奧羅拉特形狀記憶
n. shape memory effect - 開狀記憶效應
n. shape rolling - 形材壓延
n. shape memory alloy - 形狀記憶合金
n. shape memory effect - 形狀記憶效應
n. shape steel - 形鋼
n. specific shape factor - 比形狀因子
n. specific shape factor - 比形狀因數
n. shape of ore deposit - 礦積形狀
n. shape of mineral deposit - 礦藏形狀
tubular; n. shape tube - 管狀
shape of particle - 粒子形狀
didney shape basin; kidney basin; kidneybasin - 腎形盤
n. conical shape punch - 錐形穿孔
n.細胞存活曲線的形式 - cell survival curves shape
梳形 - comb shape
n.腎形盤 - didney shape basin
n.啞鈴形 - dumb-bell shape
n.吊床形 - hammock shape
n.腎形 - kidney shape
n.桑葚形 - morular shape
n.顆粒形狀 - particle shape
n.峰形 - peak shape
n.平頂形 - plateau shape
n.梭形的 - spindle shape