n. trigon
triplicity[tri'plisəti]n. 三倍;三位一體;三個一幅
triplicity 三倍;三倍 三重;三合星座分類法:將星座分成火象星座、土象星座、風象星座和水象星座;三合星座分類法:將星座分成火象星座、土象星座、風 象星座和水象星座;thrice treble triplication triplicity 三倍;trinity triplicity triunity 三位一體;
1.So if the chart is cast for noon then Saturn acts as the triplicity ruler of all the air signs ; at midnight Mercury would be used instead. 如果是中 午,那麼土星是風相星座的守護星,如果是在晚上那麼水星是風相星座的守護星。
2.This paper presents the content of the education system of the "triplicity", and gives the measures that we applied and the effects that we have achieved. 本文介紹了「三位一體」教育模式的內容,描述了我們實施該模式所採取的措施及取得的成效。
3.The purpose of this Triplicity is to melt and burn the trick of those monarches and confucious, thus urge our nation mark towards the brightness of truth and highest wisdom of mankind. 提出三位一體先聖的目的,即在永遠徹底地銷毀前述的歷代帝王、大儒們的邪惡的詭計,從此促使中華民族,加速奔向人類一切真理的光明,奔向人類最高的大智慧。