zazen['zɑ:'zen]n. (佛教)禪宗之打坐
Zazen 坐禪;禪宗之打坐;坐 禪;Practice Zazen 練習禪宗;NAOMI ZAZEN 財前直見;ZAZEN BOYS 向井秀德;松下敦;Fukan zazen gi 普勸坐禪儀;
1.Once Buddist apologetics was run between an abbot and him, both of whom were at zazen on pads. 一次與方丈辯經,兩人坐於團墊之上,相論許久。
2.In the life of a Zen monk, sitting meditation (zazen) is one of the most important parts of his day. 除了上面提到的靜坐沉思以外,做飯洗刷也是禪宗和尚一天中很值得贊善的部分之一。
3.And there are scores of mysterious cultivation caves left since Shang Dynasty. Legend goes that Ancestor Peng, Lu Dongbin and Han Zhongli once did their zazen here. 而且在蜿蜒綿長的龍脊上,還馱負著一窟窟自商代以來遺留下來的數十個神秘的修行洞,是彭祖、漢鍾離等仙界高士們修行得道的地方。