n. lease ,rental
letting['letiŋ]n. 出租;租金v. 讓,允許(let的現在分詞)
letting 出租;租金;租房中介;letting agency 房屋中介;房屋中介 本文由英語作文網整理收集;房屋仲介;bulk letting 整批出租;整批出租 房屋地政;new letting 新租出;新租出 房屋地政;block letting 整幢出租;整幢出租 房屋地政;
1.Thank you for letting me bring my music to Asia, the largest stage in the world. 謝謝你們給我機會讓我把自己的音樂帶到亞洲-世界上最大的舞台。
2.You know how Ben Franklin proved it -- by letting some electricity pass down his kite string. 你知道本
3.As a species, Ms Turkle thinks, we run the risk of letting the permanent wireless social clouds that surround us steal part of our nature. 特克爾女士認為,作為物種之一的人類正冒著讓包圍我們的永久無線社交層偷走我們部分天性的危險。
My dad's letting me borrow the car. - 我爸爸借我用汽車。
Going swimming should be a good way of letting your hair down after a hard day's work. - 游泳是在辛苦了一天後放鬆自己的好方法。
I'm not letting you get behind the wheel until you've sobered up. - 除非你完全清醒了我才會讓你開車。
No. Don't be silly. I wouldn't dream of letting you do that. - 不,別說傻話了。我絕不會想到讓你那樣做的。
By infecting animals and letting them loose in the burrows, - 通過讓染上此病的動物在洞內亂跑,
blood letting puncturing and cupping; blood-letting puncturing and cupping - 刺絡拔罐法
let out of skin rashes; letting out of skin rashes - 透斑
n.放血 - blood letting
n.刺絡拔罐法 - blood letting puncturing and cupping