lightenessn. 亮度
lighteness 亮度;brightness lighteness lum luminance luminosity 亮度;The Unbearable Lighteness Of Being 布拉格之戀;
1.Application: It can be used in plastics industry, has a very good dispersibility and can improve plastics surface polish and lighteness, especially suitable for high-brightness PP and nylon. 用途:作為特殊功能性體質顏料,在塑料方面具有良好的分散性,能增強塑料的硬度和韌度,提高塑料的表面光澤和亮度,尤其適合於製造汽車配件、家電外殼的高光PP和尼龍制件。
2.Application: 1. It can be used in plastics industry, has a very good dispersibility and can improve plastics surface polish and lighteness, especially suitable for high-brightness PP and nylon.
2. 用途:1。塑料方面,具有良好的分散性,能增強塑料的硬度和剛度,保持塑料的表面光澤和亮度,尤其適合於製造家電外殼的高光PP和尼龍制件。
3.Application: 1. It can be used in plastics industry, and has a very good dispersibility and can improve plastics surface polish and lighteness, especially suitable for high-brightness PP and nylon.
2. 用途:1。塑料方面,具有良好的分散性,能增強塑料的硬度和剛度,保持塑料的表面光澤和亮度,尤其適合於製造家電外殼的高光PP和尼龍制件。