Mallorcan. 馬略卡島(西班牙東部)
Mallorca 馬略卡島;馬洛卡;馬洛卡隊;馬略卡式;Real Mallorca 馬洛卡;皇家馬洛卡;馬略卡;Mallorca Island 馬略卡島;RCD Mallorca 馬洛卡;馬略卡;皇家馬略卡;馬洛卡足球俱樂部;Mallorca Classic 精英賽;
1.On our last day we used the remaining time to visit the lovely north of Mallorca, the peninsula of Formentor. 在馬略卡島的最後一天,我們利用剩餘的時間前去參觀可愛的馬略卡島北部,佛門托半島。
2.These were built all around the coast of Mallorca for the purpose of spotting pirates approaching the island. 馬略卡海岸線上建造這些瞭望台,其目的是防止海盜靠近小島。
3.At the time of our arrival it was nice and sunny in Mallorca, but it was uncertain if the good weather would last for the whole stay. 當我們到達馬略卡島的時侯,陽光明媚,天氣格外的好,但就是不曉得接下來的幾天裡是否也能夠有那麼好的天氣。