1.We don't usually admit it, but we're often fakers. Phonies. Bluffers. And most of us are really good at it. 雖然我們通常不肯承認,但其實我們時常都是偽裝者,是騙子,是虛張聲勢嚇唬人的,而且我們的功力還相當高呢。
2.There are lots of phonies and charlatans in the financial newsletter business. 干金融通訊這一行的人中間不乏騙子和吹牛大王。
3.We don't usually admit it, but we're often fakers. Phonies. Bluffers. And most of us are really good at it. 雖然我們通常不肯承認,但其實我們時常都是偽裝者,是騙子,是虛張聲勢嚇唬人的,而且我們的功力還相當高呢。
4.Give yourself a realty check. Phonies are transparent and it is tiresome. Take pleasure in the beauty and the wonders of nature. 如實地檢查一下自己。虛偽是難以遮掩的,也是令人厭煩的。享受大自然的美景,欣賞大自然的奇跡。
5.Our offices must always be headed by the kind of men who command respect. Not phonies, zeros or bastards. 公司應該由倍受敬重的人領導,而不是偽君子、一無是處的小人,或拙劣之徒。