





n. internet site ,land site ,situation ,web sitev. locate ,place


site[sait]n. 地點;位置;場所vt. 設置;為…選址


Site 站點;位置;現場;地點;site survey 現場查勘;地盤測量;工地測量;現場勘測;building site 工地;建築工地;建築地盤;屋宇建築地盤;site investigation 地盤勘測;實地勘測;地盤勘察;工地勘測;portal site 入口網站;入門網站,[港]入口網頁,[台]門戶網站;門戶網站;入門網站;


1.How do I advertise on your site? 我怎麼在你的地點上做廣告?

2.Our research indicates that consumers tend to go to the brand site. 我們的研究顯示顧客傾向於去有品牌的地方購物。

3.Rain and lightning moved over the seaside launch site late on Monday. 星期一遲些,雷雨交加在海岸邊發射地點移動著。


to go over to the construction site with me? - 去看一看建築工地嗎?

We'll go over to the job site together. - 我們等一會兒一起去工地。

I'll be at the construction site tomorrow. - 明天我要去工地。

Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built. - 在雕像被運往美國之前,必須為它選好一塊場地,同時必須建造一個基座。

The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour. - 場地選在了紐約港入口處的一個鳥上。

Municipalities naturally want to secure the campers' site fees and other custom. - 市政當局當然希望獲得露營者的場地費和其他光臨的好處,


two site immunoradiometric assay - 雙位點免疫放射分析法

two site assay - 雙位點測定法

flat site of peak - 峰平坦區域

building site hygiene; worksite hygiene - 工地衛生

contact site; site of exposure - 接觸部位

cells chromosomes as site of; cells killing of by radiation - 染色體作為輻射釘死細胞的部位

cold abscess around the site of huantiao point - 環跳流痰

site forming units - 病灶形成單位

myocutaneous junction; site where the skin and muscle are joined - 皮腠

furuncle in the site between the eyebrows - 眉心疔

site of paracentesis; site of puncture - 穿刺部位

site where the skin and muscle are joined - 腠理

site of complement acticvation - 補體活化部分


n.抗原結合簇 - abtugeb combining site

n.受體部位,受體位點 - acceptor site

n.活性部位,活性點 - active site

腎上腺受體部位 - adrenoceptor site

n.吸附點 - adsorption site

n.變構部位,變構位點 - allosteric site

氨基酸附著部位 - amino acid attachment site

n.氨酰基部位,A部位 - aminoacyl site

n.陰離子部位 - anionic site

n.解剖部位 - anatomic site

n.抗體活性簇 - antibody active site

抗體結合位點 - antibody combining site

抗原結合點 - antigen binding site

n.抗原結合簇 - antigen-binding site

n.抗原結合部位 - antigen combining site

抗原識別位點 - antigen-recognition site

脫部位 - apurinic site

粘著部位 - attachment site

n.活性部位 - avtive site

苯並二丫庚因識別部位 - benzodiazepine recognition site

n.結合部位 - binding site

n.工地衛生 - building site hygiene

n.催化部位 - cantaly site

n.催化部位 - catalytic site

陽離子部位 - cation site

n.染色體作為輻射釘死細胞的部位 - cells chromosomes as site of

n.編碼位置 - coding site

n.環跳流痰 - cold abscess around the site of huantiao point

n.結合部位,結合簇 - combining site

n.接觸部位 - contact site

n.補體結合點 - complement combining site

n.結合部位 - conjugation site

n.協同部位 - cooperative site

n.偶聯部位 - coupling site

n.隱蔽剪接部位 - cryptic splicing site

n.給位 - d site

解碼位點 - decoding site

n.偶極部位 - dipolar site

n.給位,供體部位 - donor site

n.效應物部位 - effector site

n.進入部位 - entry site

n.酯部位 - esteratic site

n.交換點 - exchange site

n.峰平坦區域 - flat site of peak

n.可塑活性部位 - flexible active site

脆性位點,染色體脆性部位 - fragile site

n.眉心疔 - furuncle in the site between the eyebrows

n.高能吸附點 - high-energy adsorption site

抗抑鬱藥適宜部位 - imipramine recognition site

n.起動位點 - initiation site

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