speel[spi:l]v. 爬,攀爬
speel 攀爬;攀爬, 爬;Reload Speel 加快填彈速度;shinny speel 攀爬;elephant'speel 皺皮;moulder'speel 造型鐵鏟子 鑄工鏟鑿;造型鐵鏟子 鑄工鏟鑿;
1.Jester: You want to know why the speel didn't break hmm Vergil? 傑斯特:你想知道為何封印沒有解除,嗯,維吉爾?
2.Use good sentences and speel check it ; -) Spell checking is becoming important as se's are moving to auto correction during searches. 使用比較好的句子並認真檢查,拼寫檢查變的很重要,因為在搜索結果中,搜索引擎將其轉移到自動修正的結果中。
3.Jester: You want to know why the speel didn't break, hmm, Vergil? You have the two amulets and Sparda's blood. You had everything you needed to unleash the evil! 傑斯特:你想知道為何封印沒有解除,嗯,維吉爾?你已經有了兩塊結晶,也有了斯巴達的血。你已經有了任何你需要的東西來釋放黑暗!