trochophore['trɔkəfɔ:]n. [動]擔輪幼蟲
trochophore 擔輪幼生;擔輪幼蟲;擔輪子幼蟲;擔輪蚴;trochophore larva 擔輪幼體;擔輪幼蟲;trochophore stage 釋義:擔輪幼蟲期;擔輪期;擔輪幼蟲;trochophore theory 擔輪子學說;
1.The cells in the centre of the trochophore showed very strong positive NSE and strong positive POD. 在擔輪幼蟲期,中央的內臟團原基呈NSE極強陽性或POD強陽性,其餘細胞則呈NSE強陽性或POD陽性。
2.veliger Second stage in larval life of certain mollusks, developed from a trochophore, where the head bears a velum. 面盤幼蟲某些軟體動物幼蟲生活史的第二個階段,從擔輪幼蟲發育,在頭部有一個蓋膜。
3.5 to 7 days' larve after hatching larvae mostly lived on copepod nauplii, copepodites and trochophore of Polychaeta in water of the earthen ponds, apart from feeding on particulate organic detritus. 孵化後5~7日齡仔魚基本上依靠攝食土池水體中的橈足類無節幼體、橈足幼體和多毛類擔輪幼體,但還攝食少量的顆粒有機碎屑。