





n. tb


tuberculosis[tju:,bə:kju'ləusis]n. 肺結核;結核病


tuberculosis 結核病;結核;肺結核;肺結核病;tuberculosis hospital 結核病醫院;bovine tuberculosis 牛結核病;牛結核;真珠病;釋義:牛型結核;healed tuberculosis 非活動性結核;skin tuberculosis 皮膚結核;皮膚結核病;


1.What is the principle that treats tuberculosis? 治療肺結核的原則是什麼?

2.Objective TO understand the infection state of tuberculosis among AIDS patients. 目的瞭解艾滋病病人中肺結核病的感染情況。

3.Infected people can spread tuberculosis germs from their mouth when they cough or sneeze. 受感染人群可以在咳嗽、打噴嚏時通過口腔傳播肺結核病菌。


papulonecrotic tuberculid; tuberculosis papulonecrotica - 丘疹壞死性皮結核

tuberculosis of middle ear and mastoid - 中耳乳突結核

tuberculosis of middle ear - 中耳結核

tuberculosis of breast - 乳房結核

tuberculosis of mastoid - 乳突結核

tuberculosis of breast - 乳腺結核

tuberculosis of internal genitals - 內生殖器結核

tuberculosis of internal ear - 內耳結核

tuberculosis of prostate - 前列腺結核

tuberculosis of ovary - 卵巢結核

tuberculosis conglomerata - 團狀結核疹

hyperplastic tuberculosis of intestine - 增生型腸結核

tuberculosis of external ear - 外耳結核

tuberculosis of vulva - 外陰結核

tuberculosis of endometrium - 子宮內膜結核

tuberculosis of uterus - 子宮結核

tuberculosis of uterine cervix - 子宮頸結核

tuberculosis of cervix - 宮頸結核

lupus vulgaris; tuberculosis luposa - 尋常狼瘡

tuberculosis of cow pers gland - 尿道球腺結核

acne agminata; barthelemys disease; barthlemys disease; tuberculosis papulonecrotica - 巴太累米氏病

bazins disease; tuberculosis indurativa; tuberculosisindurative - 巴贊氏病

davids disease; tuberculosis of spine; tuberculosisofspine - 戴維氏病

tuberculosis of tonsil - 扁桃體結核

tuberculosis of fingers - 手指結核

tuberculosis inoculata - 接種性結核

tuberculosis miliaris disseminata - 播散性粟粒性結核

bronchial lymphoid tuberculosis; tuberculosis lymphonodi bronchales - 支氣管淋巴結結核

tuberculosis of genito-urinary system - 泌尿生殖系統結核

tuberculosis of bone and joint - 流痰

serosa; tuberculosis of serous membrane - 漿膜

tuberculosis lymphogene - 淋巴原性結核

lymphoid tuberculosis; scrofula; tuberculosis of lymphnode - 淋巴結核

tuberculosis in the subaxillary region - 淵疽

tuberculosis of intestines - 潰瘍型腸結核

tuberculosis colliquativa - 溶化性結核

bacillus tuberculosis bovis; mycobacterium tuberculosis bovis - 牛結核桿菌

tuberculosis of genital system - 生殖系結核

tuberculosis of thyroid - 甲狀腺結核

tuberculoderm; tuberculosis cutis - 皮結核

tuberculosis of cecum - 盲腸結核

tuberculosis of pelvic organs - 盆腔器官結核

tuberculosis of pelvic peritoneum - 盆腔腹膜結核

tuberculosis cutis vera - 真皮結核

pulmonary tuberculosis of sclerosing type - 硬化型肺結核

tuberculosis cutis indurativa - 硬化性皮結核

cirrhotic tuberculosis; tuberculosis fibrosa - 硬變性結核

tuberculosis of ankle joint - 穿踝痰

tuberculosis lupoides - 類狼瘡性結核

miliary tuberculosis of lung - 粟粒型肺結核


n.蠱注 - a disease similar to pulmonary tuberculosis

n.頓挫性結核 - abortive tuberculosis

n.細葉結節性結核 - acinonodose tuberculosis

活動性不活動性肺結核 - active, inactivepneumoconiosis tuberculosis

n.活動性結核 - active tuberculosis

n.急性血行播散性結核 - acute hematogenous disseminated tuberculosis

n.急性粟粒型結核,全身播散性結核 - acute miliary tuberculosis

n.急勞 - acute pulmonary tuberculosis

n.急癆 - acute tuberculosis

n.增殖腺結核 - adenoids tuberculosis

n.腎上腺結核 - adrenal tuberculosis

n.再感染性結核 - adult type tuberculosis

n.吸入性肺結核 - aerogenic tuberculosis

肺尖結核 - apical tuberculosis

n.減毒結核 - attenuated tuberculosis

n.非典型結核 - atypical tuberculosis

n.禽結核 - avian tuberculosis

n.牛結核桿菌 - bacillus tuberculosis bovis

n.骨癆 - bone and joint tuberculosis

骨關節結核 - bone-joint tuberculosis

n.骨結構,骨結核 - bone tuberculosis

n.骨結核刮匙 - bone tuberculosis curette

n.牛結核 - bovine tuberculosis

n.支氣管淋巴結結核 - bronchial lymphoid tuberculosis

n.支氣管結核 - bronchial tuberculosis

n.支氣管結核,支氣管原性結核 - bronchogenic tuberculosis

n.支氣管肺炎性結核 - bronchopneumonic tuberculosis

n.乾酪樣肺炎性結炎 - caseous pneumonic tuberculosis

n.乾酪性結核 - caseous tuberculosis

n.空洞性肺結核 - cavermous pulmonary tuberculosis

n.絛蟲性結核 - ceatodic tuberculosis

n.雞結核 - chicken tuberculosis fowl tuberculosis

小兒結核 - childhood tuberculosis

n.慢性纖維空洞型肺結核 - chronic fibro-cavitative pulmonary tuberculosis

n.硬變性結核 - cirrhotic tuberculosis

n.非開放性肺結核 - closed pulmonary tuberculosis

閉鎖結核 - closed tuberculosis

皮膚結核 - cutaneous tuberculosis

皮膚結核 - dermal tuberculosis

n.播散性結核,全身播散性結核 - disseminated tuberculosis

n.耐藥性肺結核病 - drug-tolerant pulmonary tuberculosis

n.支氣管結核 - endobronchial tuberculosis

n.內原性結核 - endogenous tuberculosis

n.小腸結核 - enteric tuberculosis

n.腸原性結核 - enterogenous tuberculosis

n.食管結核 - esophageal tuberculosis

n.胸壁結核病灶清除術 - excision of thoracic tuberculosis

n.外原性變態反應性肺皰炎,外原性結核 - exogenous tuberculosis

肺外結核 - external tuberculosis

n.滲出性肺結核 - exudative pulmonary tuberculosis


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