a. curving
a. straight
curvedadj. 彎曲的;弄彎的n. 倒弧角vt. 彎曲(curve的過去式)
curved 弄彎的;彎曲的;弧形褶;倒弧角,彎曲的;curved line 曲線;彎曲線;曲線鄸;曲線?;curved needle 彎針;curved scissors 彎剪;曲剪刀;釋義:彎形(手術)剪;curved bar 曲桿;彎曲沙壩;彎曲沙洲;曲棒;
1.Curved parts all adopts laser cutting. 曲面零件均採用激光切割;
2.He described how to his left the beach curved around and became a point with wooden buildings on it. 他描繪了他左面環繞著的海灘,最後怎樣變成一點,而在這點上有木製的建築物。
3.The implement of cubic B-spline curve interpolation techniques will greatly improve the efficiency and quality in machining curves and curved surfaces. 三次B樣條曲線插補技術的實現將大大提高曲線、曲面零件數控加工的效率和加工質量。
We can perhaps forgive those who said the moons of Jupiter were produced by Galileo's spyglass if we recall that in his day, as for centuries before, curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth but illusion, untruth; - 如果我們回想一下伽利略之前幾個世紀期間,曲面鏡一直是一種用於產生幻影而不是產生真像的把戲裝置,那麼我們就會原諒那些當時把伽利略觀察到的木星衛生說成是伽利略用他的小望遠鏡變出來的人們,
and if a single curved glass would distort nature, how much more would a pair of them? - 何況一片曲面鏡就可歪曲自然,那麼伽利略的兩片曲面鏡對自然的歪曲又該多大呢?
obique rectifying table with curved side - 側彎矯形用斜面手術台
curved muscle hook - 倒彎肌鉤
n. curved mold continuous casting process - 弧形模連續澆鑄法
n. curved mold continuous casting process - 弧形結晶器連鑄法
curved scissors - 彎剪
curved profiled bar - 彎型桿
curved needle holders - 彎頭持針鉗
curved and sharp-pointed scalpel - 彎尖刃手術刀
curved urethral sound - 彎尿道探條
curved clasp - 彎形卡環
curved endometrial biopsy curet - 彎形子宮內膜活檢刮匙
curved elevator - 彎挺
ankylomele; curved probe - 彎探子
n. curved crystal probe - 彎晶探測器
n. curved crystal probe - 彎曲晶體探針
curved stomach clamps - 彎胃鉗
curved hemostat; curved hemostatic forceps - 彎血管鉗
curved dissecting forceps - 彎解剖鑷
curved bone drill - 彎骨鑽
n. curved surface printing - 曲面印刷
n. curved surface printing - 曲面打印
n. curved surface dies - 曲面模
n.側彎矯形用斜面手術台 - obique rectifying table with curved side
螺旋狀弧菌 - spiral and curved bacteria