





ash separator deduster dust cleaner dust collector dust concentrator dust extractor dust preci 除塵器;ash separator deduster dust cleaner dust collector dust concentrator dust extractor dust preci 除塵器;ash separator deduster dust cleaner dust collector dust concentrator dust extractor dust preci 除塵器;ash separator deduster dust cleaner dust collector dust concentrator dust extractor dust preci 除塵器;ash separator deduster dust cleaner dust collector dust concentrator dust extractor dust preci 除塵器;


1.A method of forced filtration is given to solve the liquid-solid separation of dust from dust scrubber based on dust amount and characteristics of water dust scrubber of coal fired boiler. 根據燃煤鍋爐水膜除塵器的灰水量及特性,提出了以強制過濾的方法,來解決水膜除塵器灰水液固分離的問題。

2.The dedusting equipment mainly includes dust catcher, pocket dust collector, centrifugal dust separator and wet dust collector. 除塵設備主要包括電除塵器、布袋除塵器、旋風除塵器和濕式除塵器等。

3.The dedusting equipment mainly includes dust catcher, pocket dust collector, centrifugal dust separator and wet dust collector. 除塵設備主要包括電除塵器、布袋除塵器、旋風除塵器和濕式除塵器等。

4.The dedusting equipment mainly includes dust catcher, pocket dust collector, centrifugal dust separator and wet dust collector. 除塵設備主要包括電除塵器、布袋除塵器、旋風除塵器和濕式除塵器等。

5.The dedusting equipment mainly includes dust catcher, pocket dust collector, centrifugal dust separator and wet dust collector. 除塵設備主要包括電除塵器、布袋除塵器、旋風除塵器和濕式除塵器等。


I hate to dust the furniture and bookcases. - 我非常討厭擦拭傢俱和書架上的塵埃。

I can see the brown wall of dust coming toward us with the wind. - 風捲起褐色的牆壁似的滾滾黃沙,向這裡襲來。

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - 音樂可洗去靈魂中日常生活所沾染的污垢。

The dust raised by the sheep does not choke the wolf. - 羊踩起的灰塵擋不住狼。

The more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place. - 高檔一點的古玩店為了防塵,把文物漂亮地陳列在玻璃櫃子裡,那裡往往令人望而卻步。

Even a telescope in orbit round the earth, like the very successful Hubble telescope, would not be suitable because of the dust particles iron solar system. - 即使是一台放置在圍繞地球的軌道上的望遠鏡——如非常成功的哈勃望遠鏡——也因為太陽系中的塵埃微粒而無法勝任。

A telescope would have to be as far away as the planet Jupiter to look for life in outer space, because the dust becomes thinner the further we travel towards the outer edges of our own solar system. - 望遠鏡要放置在木星那樣遙遠的行星上才有可能在外層空間搜尋生命。因為我們越是接近太陽系的邊緣,塵埃就越稀薄。

from dust devils and squalls up to continent-size eddies that only satellites can see. - 從小塵暴和暴風發展到只有衛星上可以看到的席捲整塊大陸的漩渦。

but the scientific dust has long since settled, - 但是,自他逝世以來,那場科學上的紛爭早已平息了下來,


n. cupola dust arrester - 沖天爐吸塵器

n. dust collection - 吸塵

dust catcher - 吸塵器

n. dust chamber - 吸塵室

dust absorption set - 吸塵裝置

n. sophisticated dust protective wear - 複雜塵保護性磨損

dust content - 塵含量

dust borne; dust transmission; dustborne - 塵埃傳播的

dust infection - 塵埃傳染

dust asthma - 塵埃性哮喘

n. dust coal - 塵碳

dust cell - 塵細胞

asthma due to dust mite - 塵螨性哮喘

n. rock dust barrier - 岩石塵網

bag-thpe dust remover; bag-type dust collector - 布袋除塵器

dry dust removal - 干式除塵

dry dust collector - 干式除塵器

inertial dust remover - 慣性除塵器

cyclone dust collector - 旋風除塵器

dust arrester - 擋塵器

cumulative dust index - 接觸粉塵累積值

n. dust free - 無塵

microscopic dust paarticles - 顯微塵粒

dust exposure method - 染塵法

sprinking precipitator; sprinkling dust remover - 水淋式除塵器

mixed dust pneumoconiosis - 混合性粉塵塵肺

wet dust removal - 濕式除塵

wet dust remover - 濕式除塵器

dust disease - 灰塵病

electric dust precipitator - 電力除塵器

n. stone dust barrier - 石質塵阻器筒

n. mineral dust explosion - 礦石塵爆炸

centrifugal dust separator - 離心式除塵器

personal dust sampling device - 粉塵全體採樣器

dust dispersity - 粉塵分散度

dust mite sensitivity - 粉塵螨過敏

dust proof; dustproof - 絕塵的

dust collector; dust precipitator; dustcollector - 聚塵器

hemoconia; mullers dust bodies - 苗勒氏塵氏體

hemoconia; mullers dust bodies - 苗勒氏塵狀體

grain dust pneumoconiosis - 谷塵肺

dust proof; dustproof - 避塵的

n. zinc dust anticorrosive paint - 鋅粉防蝕漆

n. zinc dust anticorrosive paint - 鋅粉防銹漆

dust proof; dustproof; prevention of dust - 防塵

measures of dust prevention - 防塵措施

dust goggles; dust spectacles - 防塵眼鏡

dust cover; dust guard - 防塵罩

n. dust pocket - 防塵袋

n. dust mask - 防塵面具


n.矽塵作用 - action of silicium dust

n.鋁粉 - aluminium dust

天使粉 - angel dust

n.動物性粉塵 - animal dust

n.塵螨性哮喘 - asthma due to dust mite

n.布袋除塵器 - bag-thpe dust remover

n.布袋除塵器 - bag-type dust collector

n.血塵 - blood dust

n.離心式除塵器 - centrifugal dust separator

n.煤塵 - coal dust

棉塵,棉屑 - cotton dust

n.接觸粉塵累積值 - cumulative dust index

n.旋風除塵器 - cyclone dust collector

n.除塵設備 - device of dust separation

n.干式除塵器 - dry dust collector

n.干式除塵 - dry dust removal

n.電力除塵器 - electric dust precipitator

n.降塵 - fall dust

n.浮塵,飄塵 - floating dust

n.飄塵污染 - floating dust pollution

n.谷塵肺 - grain dust pneumoconiosis

n.可卡因 - heaven dust

室內灰塵,屋內塵埃 - house dust

室內灰塵過敏反應 - house dust allergy

屋塵螨 - house dust mite

n.生產性粉塵 - industrial dust

n.惰性粉塵 - inert dust

n.慣性除塵器 - inertial dust remover

n.硅塵吸入 - inhalation of siliceous dust

n.無機粉塵,無機性粉塵 - inorganic dust

n.鉛塵 - lead dust

n.防塵措施 - measures of dust prevention

n.金粉塵 - metallic dust

n.顯微塵粒 - microscopic dust paarticles

n.礦塵,礦物性粉塵 - mineral dust

n.混合性粉塵 - mixed dust

n.混合性粉塵塵肺 - mixed dust pneumoconiosis

n.苗勒氏塵氏體,苗勒氏塵狀體 - mullers dust bodies

n.核塵 - nuclear dust

n.有機粉塵,有機性粉塵 - organic dust

n.粉塵全體採樣器 - personal dust sampling device

n.防塵 - prevention of dust

n.石英粉塵 - quartz dust

n.放射性塵埃 - radioactive dust

n.矽塵 - silicious dust

n.硅塵,矽塵 - silicium dust

n.煙塵 - smokke dust

n.水淋式除塵器 - sprinkling dust remover

n.星塵 - star dust

n.飄塵 - suspending dust

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