





a. some other


another[ə'nʌðə]adj. 又一,另一;另外的;不同的pron. 另一個;又一個prep. 另一個;另一個人


another 另一個;另外的;另一、別的;另一;one another 相互;互相;互相地;彼此;Another day 又一天;吉日;另一天;另外一天;Another Country 同窗之愛;另一個國家;同窗之戀;另一個國度;Another World 另一個世界;人事已非;另類世界;前衛金屬;


1.Where can a dog get another tail? 在哪兒狗能得到另一條尾巴?

2.Another job of the group is education. 教育是該組織的另一項任務。

3.Their wives are talking to one another. 他們的妻子們在互相談論著。


He is on another line right now. - 他正在接另一個電話。

What a pity! We have another party that day. - 太可惜了,我們那天也有個聚會。

We have another event to attend on the same day. - 那天我們有其他活動要參加。

We have another appointment on the same day. - 我們那天有另外一個約會。

Would you like me to reschedule you for another time? - 要不要我再另外為你安排別的時間?

I see. Would you like me to reschedule you for another night? - 我明白了。要不要另外為你安排別的晚上。

You will only have to pay another ten cents and a nickle for your child. - 你只需另外再付10美分,而你的孩子只要再付5美分。

I can't eat another bite. - 我一口也吃不下去了!

She's become involved with another man. - 她曾經和另外一個男人關係曖昧。

I've found a new job with another company. - 我在另一個公司裡找到了一份新工作。

Make another left to Wooster. - 再向左轉就到了Wooster街了。

There's another advanced class today at four o'clock. - 今天下午四點鐘還有一次高級班。

she'll help me find another dog. - 她會幫我另外找一隻狗。

Did the University of Michigan win another football game? - 是不是Michigan大學又贏得了一場足球賽?

I made another lunch date for today - 我和別人約好共進午餐,,

But schedule another production meeting for tomorrow. - 務必安排在明天舉行另一次生產會議。

That's another five-letter word. - 又是五個字母的字。

He says there's another inn - 他說還有另一家旅館,

That's another surprise. - 這是另一個驚喜。

Need another box? - 需要另一個箱子嗎?

You'll have another chance next election. - 下次選舉時, 還有機會。

I found another mistake. - 我又發現一個錯誤。

I can't look at another number. - 我簡直一個數字也看不進去了。

Don't give it another thought. - 不要再想了。

I'll give you another chance. - 我再給你一次機會。

I guess we could try this another way. - 我想我們可以嘗試用另一種方法。

See how things go for another month before you decide what to do. - 你先等一個月,看看形勢的發展再作決定。

That's entirely another story. - 那完全是另外一件事情了。

Tomorrow is another day. - 有明天就有希望。

It is said that another suicide bombing occurred in the country yesterday. - 據稱,昨天在這個國家又發生了一起自殺式炸彈事件。

He landed another job soon after he left his former company. - 他離開以前的公司後很快找到了另一份工作。

There's been another scandal in the Royal family. - 皇室又出醜聞了。

Well, then, perhaps we can get together another time. - 也許我們可以另找時間聚一聚。

I can't go another step because I'm pooped. - 我一步也走不動了,我已經精疲力盡了。

Ask me another question. - 別問我這個。

I paid another two dollars for my laundry this morning. - 今天早晨我付了剩下的兩美元洗衣服。

If you can find another pair of tickets we'll have enough for a dozen people. - 如果你能再找到兩張,我們就可以有十二個人去了。

They extended $2.5 million in loans to another country. - 他們向另一國提供250萬美元的貸款。

People greet one another with Happy New Year. - 人們相互祝福「新年好」。

I hope we will be able to maintain this good relationship and make next year another great one together. - 我希望我們還能保持這樣良好的關係共創輝煌的來年。

And happy to know that the Bank of America has opened another branch in Shanghai. - 並且很高興地瞭解到美國銀行在上海又建立了一家分行。

He could always come up with a reason for them to linger another month. - 他總能想出個理由來讓他們再耽誤上一個月。

What about another dance? - 再跳一曲好嗎?

That's another story. - 那是另一回事。

He is speaking on another phone. - 他正在接聽別的電話。

I'm very sorry. Can I get you another one? - 非常抱歉。能不能另外給你買一條呢?

Yes. And another thing, would you mind not making long distance calls? - 是的。還有一件事,請你別打長途電話了,好嗎?

Dad is building another room onto the back the house. - 爸爸另外在屋子的後面蓋一個房間。

For me, studying in another country is very exciting. - 對我來說,到國外留學是一件刺激而又有趣的事。

Have another piece of cake, please. - 請再吃一塊蛋糕吧。


another mistake in treatment - 再逆

another name for decoction - 煎

increasing the effect of another ingredient; mutual assistance; mutualassistance - 相使

counteract the toxicity of another medicine; mutual detoxication; mutualdetoxication - 相殺


n.相殺 - counteract the toxicity of another medicine

n.相使 - increasing the effect of another ingredient

n.過經 - transformation from one channel to another

n.傳經 - transmission from one channel to another


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