proctors['prɔktə]n. 代理人;學監vt. 監督
proctors 普羅克特;
1.As 409 students filed out of their exam, they found all but one exit blocked. Proctors asked each student to produce an ID card with an attached photo. 409名學生排隊走出考場,他們發現除了一個出口以外其他都被封上了,監考人要求每個學生出示附有照片的身份證。
2.Except in special cases, the testing period will be 120 minutes (2 hours); proctors and instructors may not shorten or extend the examination time without authorization. 課程考試時間如不作特殊說明一般為120分鐘,監考教師不得擅自縮短或延長考試時間。
3.She said, don't say nothing about the Proctors, but only about the Apthorps -- which 'll be perfectly true, because she is going there to speak about their buying the house; 如果這樣,至少她在早上會回家來的,她還說,關於普洛克托斯家,什麼也別說,只提阿貝索貝斯家便行了——這是完全實實在在的話,因為她去那裡是為了講她們買下房子的事。