





n. eminence ,nodule ,tuberosity


tubercle['tju:bəkl]n. 結節;小瘤,小塊莖


tubercle 小塊莖;結節;結核;結核結節;tubercle bacillus 結核桿菌;結核菌;人型結核菌;牛型結核菌;acoustic tubercle 聽結節;mental tubercle 頦結節;articular tubercle 關節結節;關節結;釋義:關節結節;


1.Objective To investigate the reconstruction of the secondary vermilion tubercle deformity of bilateral cleft lip. 目的糾正先天性雙側唇裂術後遺留的唇珠缺損或唇珠不顯畸形。

2.Leaf blades thinly hispid on both surfaces; tubercle-based bristles present on margins for most of length from base. 稀疏的葉片具糙硬毛的在兩面;大多數長度自基部的在邊上的基於小瘤的剛毛宿存。

3.To explore the efficacy and results of tibial tubercle osteotomy used in exposure in complicated total knee arthroplasty. 探討脛骨結節截骨在顯露困難的複雜膝關節置換中應用的可行性及效果。


anterior tubercle of thalamus; tuberculum anterius thalami - 丘腦前結節

tubercle of anterior scalene muscle; tuberculum musculi scaleni anterioris - 前斜角肌結節

tubercle of trapezium bone; tuberculum ossis multanguli majoris - 大多角骨結節

sputum examination for tubercle bacllus - 痰結核菌檢查

tubercle of rib; tuberculum costas - 肋結節

articular sur face of tubercle of tubercle of rib - 肋結節關節面

dorsal tubercle of radius; tubberculum dorsale radii - 背側結節

conglomerate tubercle of choroid - 脈絡膜集合結節

tubercle of scaphoid bone; tuberculum ossis scaphoidei - 舟骨結節

tubercle of sellae; tuberculum sellse - 鞍結節


n.聽結節 - acoustic tubercle

n.內收肌結節,收肌結節 - adductor tubercle

n.閉孔前結節 - anterior obrurator tubercle

前閉鎖結節 - anterior obturator tubercle

n.前結節 - anterior tubercle

寰椎前結節 - anterior tubercle of atlas

頸椎前結節 - anterior tubercle of cervical vertebrae

n.丘腦前結節 - anterior tubercle of thalamus

n.肋結節關節面 - articular sur face of tubercle of tubercle of rib

關節結節 - articular tubercle

n.達爾文氏結節,耳郭結節 - auricular tubercle

n.跟骨小結節 - calcaneal tubercle

n.癌結節 - cancerous tubercle

頸動脈結節 - carotid tubercle

n.黃色結核節 - caseous tubercle

n.脈絡膜集合結節 - conglomerate tubercle of choroid

圓錐韌帶結節 - conoid tubercle

n.小角結節 - corniculate tubercle

大結節脊 - crest of greater tubercle

n.小結節脊 - crest of lesser tubercle

肋骨結節 - costal tubercle

n.大結節脊 - creat of greater tubercle

楔束結節 - cuneate tubercle

n.楔狀結節 - cuneiform tubercle

n.囊蟲結節 - cysticercus tubercle

n.達爾文氏結節,耳郭結節 - darwinian tubercle

牙冠結節 - dental tubercle

背結節,背側結節 - dorsal tubercle

n.背側結節 - dorsal tubercle of radius

n.蟲卵結節,卵結節 - egg tubercle

n.會厭結節 - epiglottic tubercle

n.生殖結節 - genital tubercle

n.崗氏病灶 - ghons focus tubercle

n.結核性結節鉅細胞 - giant cells of tubercle

薄結節 - gracile tubercle

n.灰色結核結節 - gray tubercle

n.大結節 - greater tubercle

肱骨大結節 - greater tubercle of humerus

n.甲狀下結節 - inferior thyroid tubercle

n.盂下結節 - infraglenoid tubercle

n.頸靜脈結節 - jugular tubercle

n.上唇結節 - labial tubercle

n.淚結節 - lacrimal tubercle

外側髁間結節 - lateral intercondylar tubercle

n.外側結節 - lateral tubercle

距骨後突外側結節 - lateral tubercle of posterior process of talus

n.小結節 - lesser tubercle

肱骨小結節 - lesser tubercle of humerus

n.淋巴細胞性結核節 - lymphoid tubercle

n.緣結節 - marginal tubercle

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