emerods['emərɔdz]n.[複數][古語]【病理學】痔(= haemorrhoids)
And these are the golden emerods which the Philistines returned for a trespass offering unto the LORD 非利士人獻給耶和華作賠罪的金痔瘡像、就是這些.一個是為亞實突、一個是為迦薩、一個是為亞實基倫、一個是為迦特、一個是為以革倫。;
1.And they laid the ark of the LORD upon the cart, and the coffer with the mice of gold and the images of their emerods. 把耶和華的約櫃、和裝金老鼠並金痔瘡像的匣子都放在車上。
2.And they laid the ark of the LORD upon the cart, and the coffer with the mice of gold and the images of their emerods. 11把耶和華的約櫃和裝金老鼠並金痔瘡像的匣子都放在車上。
3.They answered, Five golden emerods, and five golden mice, according to the number of the lords of the Philistines: for one plague was on you all, and on your lords. 他們回答說,當照非利士首領的數目,用五個金痔瘡,五個金老鼠,因為在你們眾人和你們首領的身上都是一樣的災。