BBSabbr. 電子佈告欄(Bulletin Board System)
BBS bulletin board system;電子佈告欄系統;Bulletin Board Service;論壇/公告板;ZCOOL BBS 站酷論壇;ReLang BBS 熱浪論壇;JoinBoard BBS 友盟論壇;IQ BBS 智星論壇;
1.This is a small BBS system source code, a simple operation easily. Free for all to reference. 這是一個小小的BBS系統的源代碼,操作很方便簡單的。供大家免費參考。
2.Have some network promotion resources, fully know about the method of website marketing cooperation, can make effective connection with BBS and others. 有一定的互聯網推廣資源,掌握網絡營銷合作的方法與思路,能與bbs等渠道建立有效溝通;
3.BBS has been used for everything from dating service and want ads to highly specialized applications such as the exchange of research data in a narrow scientific field. bbs被廣泛應用在從日常服務、招聘廣告到非常專業的領域中,例如在一個非常狹窄的科學領域中交換調查數據。