





n. abdomen ,belly ,breadbasket ,tumv. abide ,bear ,digest ,endure


stomach['stʌmək]n. 胃;腹部;胃口vt. 忍受;吃下vi. 忍受


stomach 賁門;腹部;胃部;肚子;stomach poison 胃毒劑;嚥下殺蟲劑;嚥下殺蟲劑, 胃毒;胃毒;stomach brush 胃刷;second stomach 網胃;網胃, 蜂窩胃, 第二胃;muscular stomach 肌胃;


1.He now could stomach liquids only. 他現在還只能吃流質食品。

2.Who could stomach such insults? 誰能忍受這樣的侮辱?

3.Decompression of the stomach reduces the risk of aspiration, but does not prevent it entirely. 胃的減壓可以降低發生誤吸的危險,但並不能完全阻止其發生。


My stomach growls at me when I'm hungry. - 我的肚子在咕嚕咕嚕地向我發牢騷呢!

Henry cannot stomach the violence in that movie. - 亨利無法忍受那部電影的暴力鏡頭。

On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat -- the normally accepted practice in many northern countries. - 另一方面,你一想到動物油炸土豆就會反胃,但這在北方許多國家卻是一種普通的烹任方法。


impairment of the stomach by intake of cold milk - 傷冷乳

reconstruction of stomach with jejunum - 單腔空腸代胃術

normalizing function of the stomach and pleen - 和中

normalizing function of the stomach and spleen; regulating the stomach - 和胃中

regulating the stomach and qi - 和胃理氣

curved stomach clamps - 彎胃鉗

cardialgia; stomach ache; stomachache - 心口痛

neonatal gastric perforation; neonatal stomach perforation - 新生兒胃穿孔

smooth stomach clamps - 無齒胃鉗

nourishing the middle-jiao; tonifying the stomach and spleen - 滋養補中

straight stomach clamps - 直胃鉗

reconstruction of stomach with jejunum - 空腸代胃術

function of the stomach to receive food - 胃主受納

stomach irrigator - 胃沖洗器

stomach pump - 胃唧筒

gastric wall; stomach wall - 胃壁

stomach clamp - 胃夾

excess symdrome of the stomach and intestine; excess syndrome of the stomach and intestine - 胃家實

stomach scanning - 胃掃瞄

stomach pump - 胃抽器

stomach poison - 胃毒劑

reflection of stomach function in pulse; the stomach-qi - 胃氣

fite syndrome of the stomadl; the stomach fire - 胃火

heat syndrome of the stomach; stomach heat; stomachheat - 胃熱

gastralgia; stomach ache; stomach pain; stomachache; stomachalgia - 胃痛

gastric perforation; stomach perforation - 胃穿孔

canalis ventriculi; gastric canal; stomach tube - 胃管

stomacg distention; stomach distention - 胃脹

stomach siphon - 胃虹吸管

gastrophore; stomach clamps; stomach forceps - 胃鉗

stomach rumble - 胃鳴音

large collateral of the stomach channel; the large collateral of the stomach channel - 虛裡

spleen stomach regulating - 調理脾胃的

the stomach channel of foot-yangming - 足陽明胃經

esophagus and stomach detector - 食道胃探測器


n.吃得很飽的肚子 - a loaded stomach

n.胃癌診斷用細胞採取器,胃球 - abrasive net-balloon for stomach

n.急性胃穿孔 - acute perforation of stomach

n.胃腺棘皮癌 - adenoacanthoma of stomach

n.胃腺癌 - adenocarcinoma of stomach

n.胃腺瘤 - adenoma of stomach

n.胃腺肌瘤 - adenomyoma of stomach

n.空腹服 - administraction of the drug on an empty stomach

n.晚期胃癌 - advancde carcinoma of stomach

n.胃火沖逆 - adverse rising of stomach

胃前壁 - anterior wall of stomach

n.胃竇區 - antral region of stomach

n.胃嗜銀細胞癌 - argentaffin carcinoma of stomach

n.胃短動脈 - arteriae region of stomach

n.脾合胃 - association of the spleen and the stomach

n.無力型胃 - asthenic stomach

胃鬆弛 - atony of the stomach

n.犯脾,犯胃 - attacking the stomach

n.空腹服 - be taken with an empty stomach

n.胃良性腫瘤 - benign tumor of stomach

n.胃結塊症 - bezoar of stomach

雙房胃 - bilocular stomach

n.胃活組織檢查 - biopsy of stomach

n.胃體 - body of stomach

骨癌 - cancer of stomach

n.胃賁門 - cardia of stomach

胃賁門部 - cardiac part of stomach

n.胃賁門區 - cardiac region of stomach

n.胃類癌 - carcinoid of stomach

n.胃癌 - carcinoma of stomach

n.瀑布形胃 - cascade stomach

n.胃脫落細胞 - cast-off cells of stomach

乳糜胃 - chyle stomach

n.空腹 - cmpty stomach

n.胃寒 - cold syndrome of the stomach

n.胃寒 - cold syndrone of the stomach

n.先天性葫蘆胃 - congenital hour-glass stomach

n.胃先天性畸形 - congenital malformation of stomach

n.先天性胃扭轉 - congenital torsion of stomach

n.胃冠狀靜脈 - coronary vein of stomach

n.胃挫傷 - contusion of stomach

n.角型胃 - cow horn stomach

n.彎胃鉗 - curved stomach clamps

n.脾胃濕熱 - damp-heat in the spleen and the stomach

n.胃虛 - deficiency of the stomach

n.胃虛 - deficiency symdromes of the stomach

n.瀰漫浸泣型胃癌 - diffuse ingiltrative carcinoma of stomach

n.瀰漫型胃硬癌 - diffuse scirrhous carcinoma of stomach

n.胃擴張 - dilatation of the stomach

n.清肝胃熱 - dispelling heat of the liver and stomach

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