tankette[tæŋ'ket]n. 小坦克
1.The TKS-D design was based upon a modified TKS tankette chassis - the same, as in the light artillery tractor C2P. TKS-D的設計採用了經過修改的TKS超輕型坦克的底盤也就是C2P輕型火炮牽引車。
2.It differed from the TKS tankette by using side clutches in a transmission and bigger idler wheels, which were last road wheels as well. 和TKS不同的是傳動裝置採用了側離合器和一個更大的誘導輪,同時也是最後一個負重輪。
3.Sui Ran has the young player's unique intrepid physical quality, by he symmetrical vigorous physique, transports the ball to howl high speed in the field, really a little looks like a tankette. 睢冉有著年輕球員特有的強悍的身體素質,以他勻稱健碩的體格,高速地運著球在球場上呼嘯而過,真有點像輛小坦克。