





v. dry outn. prohibitionista. ironic ,ironical ,juiceless ,teetotal


v. weta. lactating ,phlegmy ,sweet ,wet


dry[drai]adj. 干的;口渴的;枯燥無味的;禁酒的vt. 把…弄乾vi. 變干n. 乾涸


Dry 干性皮膚;乾燥;干性;Don't repeat yourself;dry goods 服裝;美)紡織品;(英)穀物(不是「乾貨」;穀物(英),紡織品(美);dry fruit 乾果;乾果;及乾果;釋義:乾果;dry cleaning 乾洗;乾洗淨化;干選;干式淨化;DRY RUN 空運行;乾燥過程;練習性預演;預檢;


1.It was winter, cold and dry. 儘管是冬天,寒冷而乾燥;

2.After use, wash again, rinse and air dry. 使用後,再次清洗,沖洗和空氣乾燥。

3.After these dry days, everyone hopes for rain. 乾燥的天氣之後,人人都希望下雨。


Do you have a dry white wine? - 你這裡有澀白酒嗎?

The land in this region is rather dry and parched. - 這片土地十分乾燥。

The land in this region is dry and parched. - 在這個區域的陸地是乾燥炎熱的。

The laundry is not dry enough. - 衣服還沒幹。

La, la, I wash them, and then I dry them. - 啦啦,洗濯之後就把它們曬乾。

I will love you until the seas run dry and the rocks crumble. - 我將愛你直到海枯石爛。

An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed and a party of famous actors and actresses got off. - 一輛古舊的汽車停在一條乾涸的河床邊,一群著名男女演員下了車。

She stands on dry land and is visited by thousands of people each year. - 它停在陸地上,每年接待成千上萬的參觀者。

By working at tremendous speed, the men managed to get the dish on to dry land before the wave returned. - 工人們動作迅速,終於趕在那股大浪返回之前把盤子拽到了岸上。

Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen, Venus far too hot, and so is Mercury, - 火星太乾燥又缺氧,金星太熱,水星也一樣。

Every day you can have one apple, one orange, one piece of dry bread, and a glass of water. - 你每天可以吃一個蘋果,一個桔子,一塊麵包,還有一杯水。

Yes, it's going to be dry and sunny for the next two days. - 聽了,未來兩天天氣乾燥、晴朗。

Fortunately we found some that was still dry and carried it back to the cave. - 幸好,我們找到了一些干木柴,並把木柴抱回巖洞。

We're warm, we're dry and we're safe. - 「我們不感到冷,身上是乾的,而且我們很安全。


dry cough inthe case of a prologed illness - 久病乾咳

n. alternate wet and dry test - 交變乾濕試驗

dry nurse; foster nurse; fosternurse; housekeeper - 保姆

dry mouthv and throat - 口乾咽燥

dry mouth with cracked lips - 口乾唇裂

dry throat - 咽干

dry throat with a bitter taste; dry throat with a itter taste - 咽干口苦

dry sore on the lips - 唇胗

exterior pathogenic cold and dry factors - 外感涼躁

n. dry opacity - 幹不透性

n. dry opacity - 幹不透明度

dry labor; partus siccus - 干產

dry stool - 干便

dry ice; solid carbon dioxide - 乾冰

dry ice cryotherapy applicator - 乾冰冷凍療頭

carbbon dioxide cryotherapy; dry ice cryotherapy - 乾冰冷凍療法

dry ice freezer - 乾冰製冷器

n. dry etch - 干刻

dry pressure coating - 干壓包衣法

dry cup - 干吸杯

dry cough; tussiculation - 乾咳

dry cough; unproductive cough - 乾咳嗽

dry swallow - 乾嚥

n. dry etching process - 干型刻蝕過程

dry drowning - 干型溺死

n. sand for dry mold - 干型用砂

n. dry type magnetic separator - 干型磁分離機

n. dry galvanizing - 干型鍍鋅

dry packing; drypacking - 干填充

n. dry habitat - 干居地

n. dry separator - 干式分離機

n. dry seal - 干式密封

n. dry subsea installation - 干式海下建造法

n. dry quenching - 干式淬火

n. dry magnetic powder - 干式磁粉

n. dry removal method - 干式移去法

dry mounting technique - 干式鋪片法

dry dust removal - 干式除塵

dry dust collector - 干式除塵器

n. dry strength - 干態強度

dry cough; tussiculation - 干性咳嗽

dry gangrene - 干性壞疽

dry eczema; eczema sicca - 干性濕疹

dry seborrheic dermatitis; seborrhea sicca - 干性皮脂溢

dry rale - 干性羅音

dry pleurisy - 干性胸膜炎

dry beriberi - 干性腳氣病

caries sicca; dry caries - 干性骨疽

dry tap - 干抽

n. dry drawing - 干拉延


n.洗淨涼干 - be clean and dry

犬吠樣干性咳嗽 - bell-like dry cough

n.折干計算 - calculation on dry basis

子宮頸干塗片 - cervical dry smear

n.干槽換藥 - change dressing of dry socket

n.干法壓片 - compressing dry granulation

n.燥咳 - cough caused by dryness or iirritating dry cough

n.外感涼躁 - exterior pathogenic cold and dry factors

n.脫脂肪乾燥肝 - fat extracted dry liver

熱熏乾燥法,火烤乾燥法 - fire dry method

n.乾熱空氣 - heated dry air

乾熱裹法 - hot dry pack

內口腔乾燥症狀 - inner oral cavity dry symptom

n.燥咳 - irritating dry cough

改良乳粉 - modified dry milk

n.烘乾 - oven dry

n.舌紅干無苔 - red and dry and uncoated tongue

n.軟堅除滿 - softening the dry feces and relieving flatulence

n.肌膚甲錯 - squamous and dry skin

n.絕對乾燥的 - theoretically dry


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