





adherents of the four-aspect theory 四分家;aspect of distinctiveness 不共門;aspect 面貌;方向;朝向;樣子;aspect card 標號卡片;標記卡;標誌卡;aspect ration 幅型比,寬度比;


1.Material quality aspect , heat treatment aspect , grinding handicraft aspect the final article creation specifically for grinding crack has been chosen preventing measure from being a part rationally. 最後文章針對磨削裂紋的產生選擇了合理的預防措施即零件材質方面、熱處理方面、磨削工藝方面。

2.The one-sided accomplice amends the following sides of the complicity: subject of crime, subjective aspect and objective aspect. 片面共犯對全面共犯構成要件的修正主要表現在犯罪主體、主觀方面及客觀方面上。

3.Apperception ability is analyzed from static aspect as well as dynamic aspect. 文章從靜態和動態兩個層面對系統的認知能力進行了分析;

4.The OM content had a stronger anisotropic structure in the aspect of the slope, and a weaker one at the aclinic aspect of the slope. 茶園土壤有機質含量在坡體垂直方向的變異性較強,在坡體水平方向上的變異較弱;

5.Today the United Arab Republic strengthened itself obviously in rebound aspect fighting for, the entire audience 6 backboard performance had proven he did not lack this aspect the talent. 今天阿聯明顯加強了自己在籃板球方面的爭搶,全場6個籃板的表現證明了他並不缺乏這方面的天賦。


Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter. - 這只是問題的一個次要的側面。


ulcer on the medial aspect of the leg - 內廉瘡

the lateral aspect of the tibia of the leg - 小腿脛骨外側

the superior aspect of the ear - 耳前部

medial aspect of the thigh; medial thigh - 股內前廉

cellulitis on the lateral aspect of the thigh - 股陽疽

cellulitis on the medial aspect of the thigh - 股陰疽

the yang aspect of yang - 陽中之陽

the yin aspect of yang - 陽中之陰

the functional aspect of internal organs; yang energy; yang qi; yangqi - 陽氣

the yang aspect of yin - 陰中之陽

the yin aspect of yin - 陰中之陰


n.前面觀,前側 - anterior aspect

n.底面觀 - basilar aspect

n.股陽疽 - cellulitis on the lateral aspect of the thigh

n.股陰疽 - cellulitis on the medial aspect of the thigh

間質性腎炎,臨床方面 - clinical aspect

n.檢測器型式 - detector aspect

實驗顯示,實驗方面 - experimental aspect

一般,一般特點 - general aspect

健康方面 - health aspect

免疫方面 - immunological aspect

n.外廉 - lateral aspect

法律方面 - legal aspect

n.股內前廉 - medial aspect of the thigh

藥理學方面(外觀) - pharmacological aspect

公眾健康方面 - public health aspect

社會經濟方面 - socioeconomic aspect

n.陽氣 - the functional aspect of internal organs

n.小腿脛骨外側 - the lateral aspect of the tibia of the leg

n.本 - the principal aspect

n.耳前部 - the superior aspect of the ear

n.陽中之陽 - the yang aspect of yang

n.陰中之陽 - the yang aspect of yin

n.陽中之陰 - the yin aspect of yang

n.陰中之陰 - the yin aspect of yin

醫療方面 - therapeutic aspect

n.內廉瘡 - ulcer on the medial aspect of the leg

n.春季相 - vernal aspect

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