





Aristocrats in Traditional Society of China 上一篇論文: 中國傳統社會裡的「貴族」;traditional Balinese 傳統巴厘島式;traditional-modern bicultural self 傳統與現代雙文化自我;Traditional Bluegrass 傳統藍草;傳統藍草音樂;traditional technique for couching cataracts 金針拔障術;


1.The traditional printing industry have to face the phenomenon as follow:market decline of traditional publications, crisis Survive of traditional publishing and printing enterprises. 傳統出版印刷行業將出現傳統出版物所佔的市場比例將下降,傳統出版印刷企業面臨生存危機等現象。

2.For screening aldose reductase inhibitors(ARI) from traditional medicinal herbs, the assay method of pig lens AR was established and 40 traditional medicinal herbs were screened. 為從大量中草藥及其化學成份中篩選有效低毒的醛糖還原酶抑制劑(ARI),建立了豬晶狀體AR的測定方法,其研究了知母等40種中藥水提取液對AR的抑製作用。

3.Traditional Chinese philosophies have consistently adhered to the spirit of such a "catholicity", which enables them to constitute the basis of traditional Chinese culture. 中國傳統哲學始終一貫地堅持了此一「通」的精神,這使它能夠代替宗教構成中國文化的超越性價值基礎。

4.In respect of the traditional custodians of this land, the Tasmanian aboriginal community, I wish to acknowledge those traditional custodians that we are here standing on today. 關於這塊大地的傳統維護者,我希望向我們今天立著的土地的這些傳統維護者──塔州的土著社團致謝。

5.Declamation is a traditional method of reading in our country. Declamatory teaching is a traditional Chinese teaching method. 誦讀是我國傳統的讀書方法,誦讀教學是我國傳統的語文教學方法。


Turkey and ham are traditional dishes for Christmas. - 火雞和火腿是聖誕節傳統的食物。

Mid-autumn Festival is a traditional festival for family unification. - 中秋節是家人團聚的傳統節日。

Our family always has a traditional Christmas. - 我們家每年都要慶祝傳統性的聖誕節。

In primitive cultures the obligation to seek and to receive the traditional instruction is binding to all. - 在原始文化中,尋求和接受傳統教育的義務對全民都有約束力。

his very concepts of the true and the false will still have reference to his particular traditional customs. - 人們關於真與偽的概念依然和特定的傳統風俗有關。

John Dewey has said in all seriousness that the part played by custom in shaping the behaviour of the individual,as against any way in which he can affect traditional custom, - 風俗在形成個人行為方面所起的作用和一個對風俗的任何影響相比,


doctor of traditional chinese medicine; physician of tcm; traditional Chinese medicine - 中醫

hospital of traditional chinese medicine - 中醫醫院

etiologh of traditional Chinese medicine - 中醫發病學

college of traditional chinese medicine - 中醫學院

institute of traditional chinese medicine - 中醫研究所

academy of traditional chinese medicine - 中醫研究院

department of traditional chinese medicine - 中醫科

traditional chinese medicinal materials - 中藥材

traditional deathermy apparatus - 傳統透熱治療機

folk prescription; peculiar prescription; traditional popular prescription - 偏方

traditional twelve two-hour periods - 十二時

traditional twelve two-hour periods - 十二時辰

traditional twelve two-hour periods - 時辰

traditional exercise therapy - 民族形式醫療體育

traditional exercise - 民族形式運動

traditional mongolian medicine - 蒙醫

traditional tibetan medicine - 藏醫


n.中醫研究院 - academy of traditional chinese medicine

n.中醫學院 - college of traditional chinese medicine

n.中醫科 - department of traditional chinese medicine

n.中醫 - doctor of traditional chinese medicine

n.中醫發病學 - etiologh of traditional Chinese medicine

n.中醫醫院 - hospital of traditional chinese medicine

n.中醫研究所 - institute of traditional chinese medicine

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