Vito Rocco 維托·洛科;Vito Scala 斯卡拉;Vito 維多 拉丁 很活耀,氣力旺盛的人;威霆;技術研究所;維托;Vito Acconci 艾肯西;阿肯錫;阿康奇;阿孔西;Vito Tanzi 維托·坦齊;
1.The next day on the street, Vito Corleone was stopped by the cream-suited, white-fedora ed Fanucci. 第二天在大街上,維托遇到了那個身穿奶油色衣服,頭戴白色淺頂軟暱帽的法努其,並攔住了他的去路。
2.When the movie producer realizes that Tom Hagen is the emissary of Vito Corleone. 當那個電影製片人知道湯姆是教父維多。克里昂的使者時。
3.Vito Mannone could quite easily be keeping goal in the Championship this season instead of performing heroics for Arsenal. 曼諾內已為阿森納貢獻了多場精彩表演,但這個賽季他原本可能被租借到英冠去把守球門。
4.My friend VITO. A friend we know each other for 4 years. I sadi he look like policeman. 我的朋友VITO,認識4年的一個老朋友了!我說他長得有點像警察。
5.Vito: Better luck next time stinky. 維多:你下次交好運吧。