bomb-dropping['bɔm'drɔpiŋ]n. 投彈
bomb-dropping 投彈;bomb release bomb-dropping 投彈;
1.These include parts of a bomb-dropping device used by Germany during World War Two. 這些包括德國在二次大戰中用過的投彈裝置的部件。
2.In 2004 super - villa sales momentum is very unpopular premise of this villa in the Chinese market is like dropping a heavy bomb. 在2004年超豪別墅銷售勢頭十分火爆的前提下,此舉在中國別墅市場上猶如扔下一枚重型炸彈。
3.Sixty-one percent of Americans believe the United States did the right thing by dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 64 years ago, according to a new poll. 最新調查顯示,61%的美國民眾認為64年前美國向日本廣島和長崎投擲原子彈是正確之舉。