n. country ,domain ,expanse ,region
Area['εəriə]n. 區域,地區;面積;範圍
area 面積;區域;區域圖;地區;service area 發球區;業務區;服務區;服務設施用地;operation area 理貨區;營運範圍;業務區域;操作間 郵政;Bay Area 灣區;舊金山灣區;海灣地區;海灣區;Recreation Area 兒童遊戲場;康樂用地;康樂場地;遊憩用地;
1.If you need help in this area. 如果在這個方面你需要幫助。
2.The guide will provide you with information about the area. 導遊將會給你提供這個地區的更多信息。
3.Offer to go with him as someone with background in this area. 建議和一個在這個地區有背景和威望的人一起去。
I have no definite ideas in that area right now. - 在這方面目前我還沒有具體的想法。
Oh, here. On the ground floor we have the reception area ... - 噢 看這個。在樓下 我們會有一個接待區……
The area of industry you wanted to get into is already at saturation point. - 你想進入的待業已經達到飽和點了。
This area is noted for its rich soil. - 這個地區以土壤肥沃著稱。
What's the area of the Congo in square miles? - 在平方英里內剛果的範圍是什麼?
The industrial area is centered largely in the north. - 大部分工業區域集中在北方。
The industrial area is centered largely in the north. - 那裡的工業區大部分集中在北部。
The mining area is centered large in the north. - 那裡的採礦區大部分集中在北部。
What is the hottest area in this country? - 這個國家最熱的區域是哪裡?
One third of this area is covered with forest. - 這一地區三分之一的地方都是森林。
The Games will be held just outside the capital and the whole area will be called 'Olympic City'. - 奧運會就在首都市郊舉辦,整個地區將被稱作「奧林匹克城」。
Macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hundred years. - 通心粉在這個地區已經種植了600多年了。
In 1858 an area of poor housing, factories and farm buildings was torn down and Central Park was created, reaching from 59th Street to 110th Street and across three avenues. - 1858年拆除了一大片破舊的房屋、工廠和農舍,建起了中央公園,這個公園從59街延伸到110街,跨越三條大馬路。
The common meeting place for Maori is on the marae, an area of land with a meeting house, where all the important events take place. - 毛利人的公眾集會是在集會地舉行,這是一個擁有會議廳的活動場所,所有的重要活動都在這裡舉行。
North Island is famous for an area of hot springs, some of which throw hot water high into the air. - 北島以其溫泉區而聞名,其中有一些溫泉將熱水高高地噴向空中。
auscultatory area of tricupsid valve - 三尖瓣聽診區
area hypothalamica lateralis; lateral area of hypothalamus - 下丘腦外側區
anua; area between inne canthimanother name for hengku; perineum - 下極
n. area free from defect - 不含瑕疵的面積
central area syndrome - 中央區綜合征
area of decreased uptake - 低濃集區
hypoendemic area of malaria - 低瘧區
surface area nomogram - 體表面積列線圖
total graft area rejected - 全部移植區排異
area vestibularis superior; superior vestibular area - 前庭上區
area vestibularis inferior; inferior vestibular area - 前庭下區
area vestibularis; vestibular area - 前庭區
area vitellina - 卵黃區
area dosimetry - 區域劑量測定法
functional area of brain - 大腦功能區
diaper dermatitis; gluteal erythema; napkin area dermatitis - 尿布皮炎
area monitoring - 局部放射探測
peak area response - 峰面積響應
peak area ratio - 峰面積比
area monitoring - 工作場所監測
area cribriformis clerae - 鞏膜篩區
n. map of the area under application - 應用地區圖
apex area of heart; apical region of heart - 心尖區
dull area over the base of heart - 心底部濁音區
increased dull area over the base of heart - 心底部濁音界擴大
standard exploring area of heart - 心臟標準探查區
aol; area of interest - 感興趣區
area flowmeter - 截面流量計
area of increased radioactivity - 放射性增升區
alopecia areata; alopeciaareata; area jonstini; pelade pelada - 斑禿
area parolfactoria; brocas area; parolfactory area - 旁嗅區
n. area free from defect - 無缺陷部位
area opaca - 暗區
anterior area of amygdaloid body; area amygdaloidea anterior - 杏仁體前區
area postrema - 極後區
n. contact area of key - 栓接觸面積
fluid sonolucent area; opaque dark area of fluid - 液性暗區
area cribriformis saccularis; macula cribrosa media - 球囊篩區
area of relative dullness - 相對濁音區
relative area response - 相對面積響應值
area cribrosa; cribriform area - 篩區
area striata - 紋狀區
sensitive area along a channel; sensitive zone along a channel - 經絡敏感區
area cochleae - 耳蝸區
area nuda hepatis; gare area of liver - 肝裸區
area cribrosa papillae renalis; cribriform area of renal papilla - 腎孔頭篩區
tympanitic area over gastric bubble - 胃泡鼓音區
area germinativa; geminal area - 胚區
automatic area meter - 自動面積計
area of fallout - 落下灰沉降區
n.肝絕對濁音區 - absolute liver dullness area
n.聽區 - acustic area
n.杏仁體前區 - anterior area of amygdaloid body
髁間前區 - anterior intercondylar area
n.鼻中隔前下出血區 - anteroinferior bleeding area of nasal septum
n.主動脈瓣區 - aortic area
尖部,肺尖部 - apex area
n.心尖區 - apex area of heart
根尖部,尖部 - apical area
聯合區 - association area
無血管區 - avascular area
n.聽區 - auditory area
n.聽覺域 - auditory sensation area
聽覺區 - auditory sense area
n.聽覺投射區,聽區 - auditosensory area
n.聽診部位 - auscultation area
n.三尖瓣聽診區 - auscultatory area of tricupsid valve
n.二尖瓣聽診區 - auscultatory mitral area
n.自動面積計 - automatic area meter
n.赤裸區,裸區 - bare area
基面積,底面積 - basal area
義齒基區,托牙基區 - basal seat area
n.貝茨氏細胞區,心理運動區 - betz cell area
n.出生登記區 - birth registration area
n.體表面積 - bldy surface area
體表面積 - body surface area
繁殖區,育種區 - breeding area
n.布羅卡氏區,旁嗅區 - brocas area
n.建築面積 - building area
頭足部 - capitopedal area
n.肩胛疽 - carbunule on scapular area
n.中央區綜合征 - central area syndrome
n.中樞性化學感受區 - central chemoreceptive area
中樞化學感受域 - central chemosensitive area
n.大腦皮質運動區 - cerebral cortical motor area
n.蝸區 - cochlear area
清潔區 - clean area
閉水域型浮體 - closed water area type floating body
n.低活性區,寒冷地區 - cold area
n.冷腦區 - cold brain area
n.污染區 - contaminated area
n.共軛面 - conjugate area
恆低輻射量暴露面積 - constant low radiation dose exposed area
面積收縮,面積縮減 - contraction of area
n.控制區 - control area
參照區域 - controlled area
n.皮層區,皮質區 - cortical area
n.皮層運動區 - cortical motor area
n.皮層感覺區 - cortical sensory area
n.篩區 - cribriform area