n. consistence ,dead body ,organic structure ,torsov. personify
body['bɔdi]n. 身體;主體;大量;團體;主要部分vt. 賦以形體
Body 閥體;體;物體;酒體;body check 阻擋;身體阻擋;阻擋:;總體檢驗;body language 身體語言;肢體語言;體態語;體態語言;body wrinkle 側壁皺紋;皺紋;側壁皺紋 -------[光年網原創;inclusion body 包涵體;包含體;內含體;包涵體;
1.She bodied forth the immortal mind. 她使不朽的精神更具體化了。
2.Your seeds shall live in my body. 你的種子將活在我的身體裡。
3.Why are face and body always itch? 為什麼臉和身體總是癢癢的?
I was elected the student body president at my college. - 我被選為校學生會主席。
My body is worn out. - 我的身體累壞了。
To carry the body to the cemetery - 把屍體運到墓地
Keep your body clean! - 身體要常保持清潔。
A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold. - 健康的身體貴於黃金鑄成的皇冠。
A little body often harbours a great soul. - 莫道身軀小,偉人寓其間。
The sight of the dead body scared him stiff. - 看到屍體把他嚇僵了。
The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. - 其中有一尊雕像,她的軀體是在公元前15世紀的歷史文物中發現的,
and one odd finding that makes the problem puzzling is that it looks very much as if sleeping is not simply a matter of giving the body a rest. - 一項使人對這個問題感到困惑的奇怪的發現是,睡眠在很大程度似乎並不僅僅是為了使身體得到休息。
At the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous. - 人體在12歲時是生命力最旺盛的時期。
Yes, my whole body hurts. - 是的。我全身都在疼。
Maori believe that the spirit stays with the body for three days, so during this time someone always stays with the dead person. - 毛利人相信人死之後靈魂還會附體3天,因此在這段時間裡一直有人守候著死者。
The death of Gandhi gave India a chance to mourn and express how he had become father to all Indians. Millions watched the slow march that took his body through the capital. - 甘地之死給印度一個悼念的機會,讓人們表達他是怎樣成為全印度人民的父親的。
A further million watched as the fire, following Indian custom, turned his body to ashes. - 數百萬人注視著緩慢的送葬隊伍抬著他的遺體通過首都。還有上百萬人看著將他的遺體按印度習慣火化成骨灰。
failure of body to supinate; inability to lie flat - 不得偃臥
n. body core - 主芯
body of maxilla; corpus maxillae - 上頜體
luys nucleus body syndrome - 丘腦下部核綜合征
n. body centered tetragonal lattice - 中心正方晶格的正體
n. body wrinkling - 主體皺紋
body of mamma; corpus mammae - 乳房體
foreign body of mastoid - 乳突異物
iimpairmment of body fluids; impairment of bodyfluids - 傷津
five body constituents; the five body constituents - 五體
The human body is an organic whole - 人體是一個有機的整體
maximum permisible body burden; mpbb - 人體最大容許負荷
body heat regulation; homoiothermism - 體溫調節
n. body varnish - 體漆
n. body wrinkle - 體皺
n. body wrinkling - 體皺形成
hypothermia; low body temperature - 低體溫
body iron content; bodyironcontent - 體內含鐵量
total body fluid volume - 體內總水量
body burden - 體內積存量
body type; habitus; somatotype - 體型
n. body centered tetragonal lattice - 體心正方格子
body centered; bodycentered - 體心的
body nucleus - 體核
body fluid; humor; succus - 體液
components of body fluid - 體液成分
examination of body fluid stains - 體液斑檢驗
osmotic pressure of body fluid - 體液滲透壓
spreading via body fluid - 體液蔓延
bldy temperature; body temperature; temperature pulse and respiration - 體溫
body cavity; coelom; coelomic cavity - 體腔
n. body core - 體芯
body stalk - 體蒂
body surface; periphery - 體表
body surface radioactivity - 體表放射性
landmark of body surface - 體表標誌
body surface temperature - 體表溫度
body surface potential - 體表電位
body surface dountihng - 體表計數
body image - 體象
body weight - 體重
loss of body weight; loss of weight - 體重減輕
body weightcontrol - 體重控制
regulation of body weight - 體重調整
body acupuncture; deep needling - 體針
body acupuncture anesthesia - 體針麻醉
congenital inclusion body haemolytic anemia - 先天性包涵體溶血性貧血
whole body volume - 全血容量
whole body dose - 全身劑量
whole body reaction measuring equipment - 全身反應測定儀
n.濕熱內蘊 - accumulation of damp-heat in the body
n.酮體 - acetone body
n.渾身疼痛 - aching all over the body
嗜酸小體 - acidophilic body
n.內丹 - active substance in the body
n.頰脂體 - adipose body of cheek
n.眶脂體 - adipose body of orbit
腎上腺 - adrenal body
n.杏仁體 - amygdaloid body
n.貯藏小體 - amine-storage body
n.杏仁體前區 - anterior area of amygdaloid body
n.前房異物鑷 - anterior chamber foreign body forceps
n.廣明 - anterosuperior part of the human body
n.抗免疫體 - anti-immune body
n.主動脈體 - aortic body
主動脈體反射 - aortic body reflex
n.石棉沉著病小體 - asbestos body
星狀小體 - asteroid body
平均在胎 - average leugth in the body
n.體內平衡,體內平均滯留率 - average retention rate in body
n.巴比阿尼氏體 - balbianis body
n.巴爾氏小體 - barr body
n.基底小體,基體 - basal body
n.基礎體溫 - basal body temperature
基礎體溫曲線 - basal body temperature curve
睫狀體基底板 - basal layer of ciliary body
n.黑體 - black body
n.膀胱異物鉗 - bladder foreign body forceps
n.百骸 - bones of human body
邊緣體 - border body
n.外側膝狀體支 - branches of lateral geniculate body
n.杏仁體支 - branches to amygdaloid body
n.黃銅色小體 - brassy body
n.石灰小體 - calcareous body
n.松果體鈣斑 - calciffied patch of pineal body
腦胼胝體 - callosal body
n.胰體癌 - carcinoma of body of pancreas
n.子宮體癌 - carcinoma of uterine body
n.頸動脈體 - carotid body
n.頸動脈體反射 - carotid body reflex
n.頸動脈體瘤 - carotid body tumor
n.海綿體 - cavernous body corpus cavernosum
n.陰蒂海綿體 - cavernous body of clitoris
n.陰莖海綿體 - cavernous body of penis
n.尿道海綿體腔 - caverns of cavernous body of urethra
n.子宮體腔 - cavity of uterine body
n.細胞胞體 - cell body
細胞體分裂 - cell body division
中心體,中央小體 - central body
n.中心纖維體 - central fibrous body