cata-['kætə]comb.form 「在下」,「向下」,「降」:catabolism「完全」,「遠離」:catalysis「反對」,「逆」:catapult「貫穿」:cataphoresis「向後」,「倒退」:cataplasia [亦作cat-,cath-,kata-]
cata- 下,向下,在下;接觸;表示 向下,相反,離開;表示向下,韓庚在的組合叫什麼公里);cata-condensedhydrocarbonCCH 背縮烴類;cata- de haut en bas 下,向下;
1.How are you going to handle Chill of the Throne when the pre-Cata patch comes out and we lose another ~18% avoidance when Defense goes away as a stat? 當大災變前夕上線時,你會怎麼處理「極寒王座」效果?我們會損失額外的18%的迴避率同時防禦作為屬性被移除嗎?
2.The days of multi-layer air tickets appear numbered, as the China Air Transport Association (CATA) has stopped providing paper ticketsinstructed sellers to issue e-tickets. 中國航空運輸協會目前已停止發放紙質機票,並發出通知要求國內機票代理商發售電子機票。看來用不了多久,紙質機票就將徹底消失。
3.The days of multi-layer air tickets appear numbered, as the China Air Transport Association (CATA) has stopped providing paper ticketsinstructed sellers to issue e-tickets. 中國航空運輸協會目前已停止發放紙質機票,並發出通知國內機票代理商發售電子機票。看來用不了多久,紙質機票就將徹底消失。