n. butt ,cigaret ,coffin nail ,fag
cigarette[,siɡə'ret, 'siɡ-]n. 香煙;紙煙
cigarette 香煙;紙煙,香煙;煙草;香煙,紙煙,煙卷;Last Cigarette 最後一支煙;吉他搖滾;cigarette burning 端面燃燒;端部燃燒;單端燃燒;cigarette tobacco 捲煙用煙葉;香煙煙草 公眾衛生;cigarette filter 捲煙過濾嘴;
1.We are the biggest dealer in cigarette. 我們是最大的香煙經銷商。
2.The baseball match is being sponsored by a cigarette company. 這次棒球比賽是由一家煙草公司贊助的。
3.But when the cigarette was back to me later, I found it really can make my life easy. 但是後來當我重拾煙草的時候,我發現它真的能使我的生活變得輕鬆簡單。
I can't wake up in the morning without a cigarette or cup of coffee. - 早上不抽根雪茄或喝杯咖啡我就醒不了。
The little baskets were empty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper, cigarette ends, old tyres, empty bottles and rusty tins. - 廢物筐是空的,而滿地都是紙片、煙頭、舊輪胎,空瓶子和生銹的空罐頭盒。
Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. - 森林火災時常由破碎的玻璃或人們隨手扔掉的香煙頭引起。
They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. - 他們還十分肯定火災也不是由煙頭引起的。
After reading an article entitled 'Cigarette Smoking and Your Health' I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. - 讀完一篇題為《吸煙與健康》的文章之後,我點上了一枝香煙,來鎮定一下自己緊張的神經。
Be careful! Don't throw your cigarette out of the window. If you do that, you may start a fire. Put it out in the ashtray. - 當心!別把香煙丟到窗外。要是你那樣做,會引起火災的。把它熄滅在煙缸裡。
When work continued, one man lit a cigarette as he was working, but, finding it had a strange taste, he put it out. - 隨後他們繼續幹活,一個工人在幹活時點燃了一支香煙。可是他覺得有一股怪味,他就把煙滅了。
Another man lit a cigarette but it burnt strangely and so he too put it out. - 另一個工人點燃一支煙,但煙燃得怪怪的,於是他也把煙滅了。
Half an hour later, another man struck a match for a cigarette and this time the whole of the inside of the ship caught fire. - 半小時後,又一個工人擦亮火柴想點支香煙,這下整個船艙都起了火。
cigarette drain - 捲煙式引流條
cigarette drain - 捲煙式引流管
n.哮喘煙 - asthmatic cigarette
n.大麻香煙 - marijuana cigarette