





n. metropolis ,urban center


City['siti]n. 城市,都市adj. 城市的;都會的


city 所在城市(拼音);城市;城市 日本本田;一個重要的城市;City Edition 地方新聞版;本埠新聞版;本地版;城市;city phone 城市電話;都市手機;host city 舉辦城市;主辦城市;主人城市;舉辦都市;city refuse 城市垃圾;


1.Now they are a city of trees. 而如今他們是一棵城市的樹。

2.We have a showroom in this city. 我們在本市設有一個陳列室。

3.BI suppose every big city has them. 我猜想大多數大城市都會有。


That's a large city in northern Greece. - 那是希臘北部的一個大城市。

She's going to a fashion show here in the city tomorrow. - 她將參加明天在本市舉行的時裝表演。

Now let's head off for the city and the university club. - 現在讓我們進城去, 到大學俱樂部。

I'd like to go into the city and meet you there, - 我想到城裡去看你,

often took us somewhere in the city on the weekends. - 經常在週末帶我們去城市的一些地方。

the New York City Ballet, the New York Philharmonic. - 紐約市芭蕾舞團, 紐約愛樂的大本營。

for coming all this way from the city to talk to me about it. - 從城裡大老遠趕來和我談這件事。

To be away from the city on such a beautiful day - 在這樣美好的一天遠離都市

I always go back to the city in a wonderful state of mind. - 我再回到城裡時, 精神總是十分飽滿。

This city is just too overpopulated. - 這個城市人口太過稠密。

Where do you like to live, in the city or in the country? - 你喜歡住在城市還是鄉村?

Littering makes the city look like a garbage dump. - 隨地亂扔垃圾使城市看起來就像個大垃圾堆。

Building a city can be a disaster for the environment. - 新建一個城市對於環境來說可能是一場災難。

What's the capital city of France? - 法國的首都是哪裡?

The signs of the city never fail to impress the foreign tourists. - 外國遊客無一不對該城市留有深刻的印象。

Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a city without bikes or one without cars. - 如果讓我來決定我們要一個沒有自行車的城市,還是要一個沒的汽車的城市。

Mr. Tony Smith is from The City College of New York. - 托尼.史密斯先生來自紐約城市大學。

He tells me is a city boy, and this is his first time to live in a camp like this. - 他說他是一個都市男孩,這是他第一次過這種野營生活。

Who is a social worker for the City of Los Angeles. - 她是洛杉磯市政府的社會工作者。

The city is under financial pressure. - 本市正遭遇財政困難。

To start the city planning - 著手都市計劃

John always takes pleasure in leaving the city for a while. - 約翰常常以溜出城鎮一會兒為樂。

The population of the city is close to a million. - 這個城市的人口接近一百萬。

On Sundays, hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods. - 每適星期天,有許許多人從城裡來觀賞我們的小鎮,並在樹林中散步。

Dressed up as Father Christmas and accompanied by a 'guard of honour' of six pretty girls, he set off down the main street of the city riding a baby elephant called Jumbo. - 他打扮成聖誕老人,在由6個漂亮姑娘組成的「儀仗隊」的陪同下,騎上一頭名叫江伯的小象,沿著城裡的主要街道出發了。

After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, - 起飛之後,我們在城市上空低低地飛行,然後慢慢爬高。

An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. - 一個美國考古隊在阿伊亞。依裡尼海角的一座古城裡考察了一座廟宇。

The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. - 這座古城肯定一度很繁榮,因為它曾享有高度的文明,

The city was equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. - 城裡甚至還敷設了排水系統,因為在狹窄的街道底下發現了許許多多陶土製作的排水管道。

City born and city bred. - 我生在城市,長在城市,

He says nothing about the poor selection of goods in the shops, or about those unfortunate people who have to travel from the country to the city every day to get to work. - 他也不說商店貨物品種單調,以及那些每天不得不從鄉下趕到城裡工作的不幸的人們。

They could be saved so much misery and expense if they chose to live in the city where they rightly belong. - 要是他們願意住在本來屬於他們的城市,則可以讓他們省去諸多不便與節約大量開支。

If you can do without the few pastoral pleasures of the country, you will find the city can provide you with the best that life can offer. - 如果你願捨棄鄉下生活那一點點樂趣的話,那麼你會發出城市可以為你提供生活最美好的東西。

The city dweller never experiences anxieties of this sort. - 這種焦慮,城裡人是從未體驗過的。

Country people run wild when they go shopping in the city and stagger home loaded with as many of the exotic items as they can carry. - 鄉里人進城採購欣喜若狂,每次回家時都買足了外來商品,直到拿不動方才罷休,連走路都搖搖晃晃的。

Nor is the city without its moments of beauty. - 城市也並非沒有良辰美景。

Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends when the thousands that travel to work every day are tucked away in their homes in the country. - 週末,當成千上萬進城上班的人回到他們的鄉間寓所之後,空曠的街市籠罩著一種寧靜氣氛,沒有什麼能比此時的寧靜更令人難忘了。

It has always been a mystery to me who city dwellers, who appreciate all these things, obstinately pretend that they would prefer to live in the country. - 城裡人對這一切心裡很明白,卻偏要執拗地裝出他們喜歡住在鄉村的樣子,這對我來說一直是個謎。

The modern city consists of monstrous edifices, - 今日現代化的城市由大得嚇人的高樓

Yes. Ashland is a small town about eight kilometres from the city of Richmond. - 對。阿什蘭德是一個距裡士滿市大約8公里的小鎮。

I live in a tall building in the city of Beijing. - 我住在北京市的一幢高樓裡。

John is a Canadian. He lives in a tall building in the city of Toronto. - 約翰是加拿大人。他住在多倫多市的一幢高樓裡。

It was a cold spring morning in the city of London in England. - 英國倫敦,一個寒冷的春天的早晨。

She was in the city to visit her daughter. - 她住在農村。

A man lived in a tall building in the city of Moscow. He liked living there. - 有一個人住在莫斯科城的高樓裡。 他喜歡住那兒。

Yes. In fact, I'm on our city team. - 是的,事實上,我是我們市隊的隊員。

Two of his greatest films, City Lights and Modern Times were of this kind. - 他的兩部最偉大的影片《城市之光》和《摩登時代》就是這種影片。

One half of his money and his goods shall be given to the city of Venice and the other half shall be given to the person he has tried to kill. - 他的錢和財產的一半必須給威尼斯城,另一半必須給他企圖殺害的人。

You must give the other half to the city of Venice. - 你必須把另一半交給威尼斯城。

By 1820 the population of New York had grown to about 125,000, making it the largest city in the USA. - 到1820年,紐約市的人口增長到12。5萬人左右,使它成了當時美國最大的城市。


city health; urban health - 城市衛生

city health administration - 城市衛生行政

city climate; urban climate - 城市排水

city sanitation measures - 城市環境衛生措施

city planning - 城市規劃


n.城市功能分區 - functional region of city

n.此城正流行瘟疫 - The plague is prevailing in this city

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