





HAD[hæd]v. 有;使(have的過去分詞)


HAD 醫院焦慮抑鬱量表;醫院焦慮抑鬱;Hole-Accumulation Diode;Advanced Hole Accumulation Diode;had enough 受夠了;受夠;有足夠的;had been 去完成時;甩永矛件;去完成式;had preferable 因該;最好還得,因該;最好還得,因該;還得…好,因該;had swerved 突然轉彎,避開另一位正在橫過馬路的長者;


1.Because I had much work to do. 因為我有許多工作(作業)要做。

2.And his shirt had a long slit. 他的襯衣上有一條細長裂縫。

3.That time we had lots of fun. 那個時候我們有很多的樂趣。


I need to cancel that. We have had a last minute change of plans. - 我要取消預約,我們臨時改變計劃了。

If I had it towed over there, could you work on it right away? - 如果把車拖到你們那裡,能馬上修嗎?

Sure, if you had it towed here to the garage, we could get right on it. - 當然能。您把車拖過來的話,我們馬上就修。

No, it's an original. My father's friend is a calligrapher, and I had him make it for you. - 沒錯,這可是真跡。我父親的朋友是書法家,專門幫你寫的。

I've had a pretty high fever since yesterday morning. - 從昨天早上起,我就一直發高燒。

That's a little more than we had planned. - 這比我們計劃的多了一些。

But I've never had the pleasure of doing any business with you. - 可是同貴公司尚無業務往來。

Our company has had a big business in Chinese arts and crafts. - 我們公司經營大宗中國工藝品。

We haven't had any complaint of this kind. Is there any evidence. - 我們還從未聽過這樣的抱怨。有什麼證據呢?

Sure, but never before have we had payment in RMB. - 當然可以,不過我們從來沒有用過人民幣付款。

I'm exhausted. I had to work until 2 o'clock this morning. - 我累死了。我一直得干到今天早上2:00。

Oh, I see. I've had lots of work to do in New York. - 哦,原來如此。我在紐約也有好多工作要做。

We had a good time. - 我們玩得很愉快。

We had this part of the conversation - 我們正談到這兒

I wish I had her energy. - 我希望我有她那樣的精力。

Mike and I had a hamburger at the diner. Mike - 和我在火車廂餐廳那裡吃了漢堡。

You and Mom haven't had dinner together with us - 你和媽媽沒有和我們一起吃晚餐

When he came to the States five years ago, he had only forty dollars in his pocket. - 五年前他來美國時,口袋裡只有40美元。

Goodbye, thanks for inviting me. I had a lovely time. - 再見,謝謝您的邀請。我度過了一段美妙的時光。

I had a million things to do today. - 我今天有成千上萬的事要做。

I haven't had a minute to relax all day. - 我今天連一分鐘都沒休息。

I was late because I had a flat tire. - 我來晚了,因為我的車壞了。

You had better study hard. - 你最好努力學習。

Have you had dinner yet? - 你吃晚飯了嗎?

I had a big breakfast, so I think I'll skip lunch today. - 我吃了一頓豐盛的早餐,所以打算不吃午飯了。

Thank you for going out with me. I had a very nice time. - 謝謝你陪我出來。我過得很愉快。

I wish I had the recipe. - 我真希望我有份菜譜。

I had a really bad day. - 今天真是糟透了。

I had a nice evening. - 讓我過了一個愉快的夜晚。

because she's had to go to Chicago on a business trip and can't leave till tonight. - 因為她得到芝加哥出差,而且要到今晚才能脫身。

I just retired. Had my own company. - 我剛退休。我原來開一家公司。

We had some good times together. - 我們共渡許多美好時光。

Philip had to go back to the hospital. Philip - 必須要回醫院。

He had an emergency. - 他有緊急事情。

No, Mom. We had a great time. - 不, 媽媽。我們玩得很高興。

They had a special on frozen fish down at the supermarket. - 超級市場 冷凍魚特價。

Oh, you really had a bad day. - 哦 你們真的沒玩好。

We had a good day. - 我們今天玩得很開心。

I had a good time today, Robbie. - 我今天玩得很開心, Robbie。

We had a cat when I was eight years old. - 我八歲時養過一隻貓。

He's had so many colds and sore throats recently. - 他最近常常感冒喉嚨痛。

Betty, you had it, but you didn't say it. - Betty你知道答案, 但是你沒有說出來。

I had an interview today, too. - 我今天也參加了一次面談。

I had a great interview - 我參加了一次很精彩的面談

Mike and I had a hamburger this afternoon, and we talked. - 今天下午 Mike和我一起吃漢堡, 一起討論。

you had some doubts about wanting to go to Michigan. - 你對上Michigan大學有些疑慮。

We had a summer house on Fire Island. - 我們在火島有一所避暑別墅。

Well, I had a really nice time. - 嗯 我玩得很開心。

We had a talk. - 我們談了一下。

He had blond hair. - 他原來是金色頭髮 。

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