anhwein. 安徽
Anhwei Army 淮軍;Anhwei clique 皖系;Four Masters of Anhwei 海陽四大家;anhwei barberry root 釋義:雞腳刺;anhwei barberry rhizome bark 釋義:刺黃柏;
1.snow storm sweep the south in Anhwei and Hunan China of area. 暴風雪席捲了中國的安徽和湖南的南部的城區。
2.Release all the cadres arrested during the Southern Anhwei Incident and provide funds for the relief of the victims' families. 釋放皖南所有被捕幹部,撥款撫恤死難者的家屬;
3.Tuan Chi-dui was an old subordinate of Yuan Shih-kai and head of the Anhwei clique of Northern warlords. After Yuan's death he more than once controlled the Peking government. 段祺瑞,北洋軍閥皖系首領。他是袁世凱的老部下,在袁世凱死後曾經幾度把持北洋軍閥的中央政權。