lashio['lɑ:ʃjəu]n. 臘戍(緬甸北部城市)
Lashio 臘戎;臘戌;
1.There are a sister divisions across the road and the Route 8-up of Myanmar's Myitkyina Lashio and other towns. 姐告境內有一條橫穿而過的公路幹線可達緬甸的八莫、密支那、臘戍等城鎮。
2.The offensive, reportedly aimed at the total defeat and eradication of the MNDAA, is commanded by Min Aung Hlaing who recently based in Lashio, capital of Northern Shan State. 這次進攻,據說在徹底失敗和MNDAA旨在根除,是指揮閔昂萊誰最近在臘戍,撣邦北部的資本基礎。
3.The Japanese conquest of Burma cut China's last transportation route to the outside world (from Kunming to Lashio via the Burma Road, and then by railroad to Rangoon) at the end of April, 194
2. 1942年4月底,日軍佔領緬甸,切斷了中國與外界最後一條運輸路線(從昆明經過緬甸公路到臘戍,然後走鐵路到仰光)。