oil of spearmint spearmint oil 留蘭香油;Spearmint spearmint oil 留蘭香油;oil of spearmint spearmint oil 留蘭香油;Spearmint Schnapps 薄荷斯內普香甜酒;spearmint 荷蘭薄荷;松石綠;綠薄荷;留蘭香;
1.Spearmint is generally used to make mint sauce or jelly. 綠薄荷通常用來做薄荷調味汁或者果凍。
2.A:That works, but planting things like spearmint, southernwood, and tansy could both beautify your yard and deter your invaders. 安:那是有用的,不過種一些植物,像綠薄荷、青蒿和艾菊,不但美化你的院子,更可以抵擋你的入侵者。
3.Ingredients: Spearmint, Orange, Lime top, Bergamot. 成份:歐洲薄荷,柑橘,萊姆,佛手柑。
4.If you like the scent of spearmint , you may take the "Blue Sky" tooth paste. 如果您喜歡留蘭香型的,您可以買「藍天」牌牙膏。
5.Finally, using way of GC analyses authenticates the extracting spearmint oil. 採用GC分析鑒定所提取的留蘭香油的成分。
aqua menthae viridis; spearmint water - 綠薄荷水