





n. fuzz ,haircloth ,hairsbreadth ,pilus


hair[hεə]n. 頭髮;毛髮;些微vt. 除去…的毛髮vi. 生長毛髮;形成毛狀纖維adj. 毛髮的;護理毛髮的;用毛髮製成的


hair 頭髮;毛髮;梳頭;海爾;hair brush 發刷;理發刷;毛刷,發刷;梳子;root hair 根毛;跦禱;hair drier 吹風機;電熱吹風機;hair lotion 生髮水;頭髮洗劑;發露;釋義:洗髮劑;


1.To hair the hides is one of the tanning processes. 在制革過程中,除去獸皮上的毛是工序之一。

2.The boy with long hair is Tom. 那個留長頭髮的男孩是湯姆。

3.My little son mussed up my hair. 我的小兒子弄亂了我的頭髮。


I'm looking for shampoo and hair conditioner for oily hair. - 我在找適合油性頭髮的洗髮水和護髮素。

Do you do hair coloring? - 你做染髮嗎?

Going swimming should be a good way of letting your hair down after a hard day's work. - 游泳是在辛苦了一天後放鬆自己的好方法。

I think gray hair makes you look rather distinguished. - 我覺得你灰白的頭髮使你看上去很嚴肅。

I hope I remember to ask the barber not to cut my hair too short. - 我希望我能記得要求理髮師把我的頭髮理短點。

How much is a hair cut? - 剪一次頭髮要多少錢?

I got my hair cut. - 我剪了頭髮。

I often comb my hair in the morning. - 我常常在早上梳頭。

I'm combing my hair in the bathroom. - 我在浴室梳頭。

I'm washing my hair in the bathroom. - 我在浴室洗頭。

I have my hair cut every month. - 我每個月都理髮。

He was rather elderly with grey hair and clear blue eyes. - 他上了年紀,有著灰白的頭髮和明亮的藍眼睛。

'But it isn't perfume,' I said.'It's hair gel. ' - 「不,這不是香水,」我說,「是發膠。

The reader's hair stands on end when he reads in the final pages of the novel that the heroine a dear old lady who had always been so kind to everybody, had, in her youth, poisoned every one of her five husbands. - 當讀者到小說最後幾頁瞭解到書中女主人公,那位一向待大家很好的可愛的老婦人年輕時一連毒死了她的5個丈夫時,不禁會毛骨悚然。

There's a hair in my soup. - 我的湯裡有根頭髮。


hair weaving; hairweaving - 假髮植入術

hair on the temples - 兌銳發

hair of the whole body - 全身毛髮

inner hair cells - 內毛細胞

anterior hair line - 前髮際

n. hair crack - 髮絲裂紋

hair mercury - 發汞

n. hair line finish - 發紋精加工

retardation in hair-growing; retarding of hair growth of children - 發遲

hair lead - 發鉛

hair manganese - 發錳

posterior hair line - 後髮際

acoustic hair cell; cochlear hair cell - 聽毛細胞

external hair cells; outer hair cells - 外毛細胞

n. hair crack - 微細龜裂

sensory hair cell - 感覺毛細胞

anti-gray hair factor - 抗灰髮因子

ciliary forceps; ciliaryforceps; epilating forceps; hair pincers - 拔毛鑷

hair like; hairlike - 毛髮似的

hair thermohygrograph - 毛髮溫濕度記錄器

hair hygrometer - 毛髮濕度計

hair transplantation - 毛髮移植

hair identification - 毛髮鑒定

folliculus pili; hair flooicle - 毛囊

lanceolate ending in hair follicle - 毛囊刺樣終末

hair follicle intensity meter - 毛囊強度計

hair tufts - 毛叢

cruces pilorum; hair cruces - 毛交叉

hair matrix - 毛基質

hair cuticle - 毛外皮

hair cuticle - 毛小皮

hair cuticle print - 毛小皮印痕

hair pneumoconiosis - 毛塵肺

hair shaft; scapus aili - 毛干

hair matrix - 毛母質

flumina pilorum; hair streams - 毛流

hair whirlpools; vortices pilorum - 毛渦

hair cortex - 毛皮質

hair disk - 毛盤

hair horny layer; hair keratinous layer - 毛角質層

suprapubic hair margin - 毛際

hair sheath - 毛鞘

hair melanocyte - 毛黑素細胞

fine and downy hair of the skin; long hair of the eyebrow; vellus; vellus hair - 毫毛

get one's hair cut - 理發

cochlear hair cell - 耳蝸毛細胞

tactile hair disk - 觸覺毛盤

soft camels hair brush - 軟駝毛刷

hair optometer - 近點視力計

menkes kinky hair syndrome - 麥克氏扭結毛髮綜合征


吸收毛 - absorptive hair

n.聽毛細胞 - acoustic hair cell

伏毛 - adpressed hair

n.觸角毛 - antennal hair

n.前髮際 - anterior hair line

n.抗灰髮因子 - anti-gray hair factor

n.樹狀毛 - arborescent hair

聽覺毛,聽毛 - auditory hair

n.腋毛 - axillary hair

竹狀毛 - bamboo hair

刺刀狀毛 - bayonet hair

珠狀毛 - beaded hair

n.鬚髮 - beard and hair

囊狀毛 - bladder hair

n.分支毛 - branched hair

n.毛球 - bulb of hair

n.血余炭 - cabonized hair

n.疊生星狀毛 - candelabra hair

n.耳蝸毛細胞,聽毛細胞 - cochlear hair cell

杵狀毛 - club hair

n.三毛 - clump hair

n.叢毛 - clustered hair

n.毛髮皮質 - cortex of hair

n.樹狀毛 - dendritic hair

分散毛 - distributing hair

n.發枯 - dried and withered hair

n.豎毛 - erect hair

n.外毛細胞 - external hair cells

n.絲狀毛 - filiform hair

n.毫毛 - fine and downy hair of the skin

n.汗毛 - fine hair

n.理發 - get one's hair cut

n.腺毛 - glandular hair

n.灰髮 - grey hair

n.發白 - greying of hair

n.毛髮異色 - heterochromia of hair

n.白髮的,灰髮 - hoary hair

鉤狀毛,鉤毛 - hooked hair

排水毛 - hydathodal hair

內生毛 - ingrown hair

內毛細胞 - inner hair cell

n.內毛細胞 - inner hair cells

內毛 - internal hair

發紐結病 - kinky hair disease

n.結毛症 - knotted hair

n.毛囊刺樣終末 - lanceolate ending in hair follicle

n.柔毛,胎毳毛 - lanugo hair

n.毫毛 - long hair of the eyebrow

n.絲狀毛 - loriform hair

n.發落 - loss of hair


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