





invitedv. 邀請;引起,招致(invite的過去分詞)


invited 邀請;被邀請的;引起;Contribution Invited 徵稿啟事;徵稿啟事;she invited 她引逗地說;Invited Speakers 特邀專家;專家講座;Invited Talks 特邀報告;


1.The beauty of the city invites me to a longer stay. 這座城市的美麗吸引我多呆上一段時間。

2.They are the people invited (by us). 他們是邀請我們的人。

3.I invited her to join us, but she declined. 我邀請她加入我們,可她婉言拒絕了。


Mr. Marker and his wife have invited me to a Christmas dinner. - 馬克先生和他妻子邀請我吃聖誕晚宴。

Scene: Tom and his wife have invited Carl and David for dinner. - 場景:湯姆和他夫人邀請卡爾和大衛吃晚飯。

I invited her to come by for dessert. - 我邀請她來吃甜點。

I've invited you here for the weekend to help celebrate. - 我邀請你們到這兒來渡週末, 一起慶祝。

parents are invited to attend-- - 家長被邀請來參加

I've been invited to give a talk at the conference. - 我已受邀在大會上發言。

On behalf of all the China National Packaging Import and Export Corporation employees invited tonight. - 我代表被邀請的中國包裝進出口公司全體員工。

Did everyone you invited show up? - 你邀請的人都來了嗎?

We invited two guests to dinner,but they didn't come. - 我們邀請了2個客人去吃晚飯,但是他們沒來。

I've bee invited over to a friend's, and you? - 有個朋友請我去作客,你呢?

Have you invited any boys? - 你邀請男孩嗎?

have you invited any friends? - 你邀請朋友嗎?

Have you invited any girls? - 你邀請女孩嗎?

I invited him last Thursday. - 我上個星期四邀請他。

I invited him ti come down, but he wouldn't. - 我請他下來,但是他不肯。

I invited him to come back, but he wouldn't. - 我請他回來,但是他不肯。

I invited him to come in, but he wouldn't. - 我請他進來,但是他不肯。

I invited him to come over, but he wouldn't. - 我請他過來,但是他不肯。

I invited hime to come up, but he wouldn't. - 我請他上來,但是他不肯。

He invited me to dinner yesterday. - 他昨天請我吃晚飯了。

But that's impossible.Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.Look through the window. - 但這是不可能的。卡羅爾和湯姆請我們來吃午飯。從窗子往裡看看。

Hasn't Mary told you?She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening. - 瑪麗沒有告訴你嗎?她邀請我和夏洛特今晚去吃飯。

Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was invited to a children's party. - 上周,我4歲的女兒薩莉被邀請去參加一個兒童聚會。

On another occasion, he invited a number of important critics to see his private collection of modern paintings. - 還有一次,他邀請一些著名評論家來參觀他私人收藏的現代畫。

We invited them to our party but they decided not to come. - 我們請了他們參加聚會,但他們決定不來。

Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours? Pierre, my husband, was working in a government office. We'd been invited to a ball at the palace so I needed to borrow some jewellery. - 10年前的一個下午,我到你家借過一條項鏈,你還記得嗎?我的丈夫比爾當時在政府的一個部門工作。我們被邀請參加一個宮庭舞會,所以我需要借一點珠寶首飾。

Mathilde! I've got some wonderful news. We've been invited to the ball at the palace. - 瑪蒂爾德!我有一個極好的消息。我們被邀請去參加宮庭舞會。

I invited him here. Zheng Jie has some interesting plans. But let's talk more over supper. - 我邀請他來的。鄭傑有一些有趣的計劃。不過,我們不是在吃晚飯的時候再談吧。

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