per-unit value 標麼值;標值;標麼值 老教材是這種說法,現在翻譯為單位值;per-unit reactance 每一單位電抗;per-unit system 單位系統;單位法;單位量制度;per-unit rate 每個單位的率;per-unit alue 標麼值;
1.A method of value all units in the inventory at the same average per-unit cost, which is recomputed after every purchases. 平均成本法,是在每次購貨之後,重新計算存貨單位成本,使所有存貨都按照相同的平均單位成本計價的一種方法。
2.For a power system the ratio of the per-unit change in frequency to the corresponding per-unit change in active power demand. 電力系統頻率標值變化和對應的有功功率需量標值變化之比。
3.Looking between now and 2020, one benefit of the proliferation of the electric/combustion technology will be a decrease in per-unit cost. 看,從現在到2020年,一個好處擴散電/燃燒技術將減少單位成本。