





a. banal ,commonplace ,hackneyed ,old-hat


a. rested


tiredadj. 疲倦的;厭倦的,厭煩的v. 疲倦;對…膩煩(tire的過去分詞形式)


Tired 疲倦;疲勞;累的;疲倦的;feel tired 感到疲勞;感覺累;覺得累;覺得很累;dog tired 特別累;累的動彈不得的,筋疲力盡的;累得像隻狗;累極了;tired out 疲乏不堪;使累壞,使疲憊不堪;累極了,累得要死;非常疲倦;tired wheel 有箍車輪;


1.Tired of reacting To Everything? 對一切反應感到厭倦?

2.Tired when can you escape? 累的時候可以逃避麼?

3.Mary is so tired of all this traveling, living out of suitcases. 瑪麗真是厭倦了這種拎著手提箱東奔西跑的生活。


You must be very tired after the journey. - 旅行之後,您一定累了吧!

Yes, I can have a break from all this tired work in the office. - 好哇,這樣我就可以暫時忘卻累人的工作了。

I'm dead tired by quitting time. - 下班時,我都累死了。

I'm tired and hungry. - 我累了, 也餓了。

Lots of people are tired of higher taxes. - 許多人對於增稅很厭煩。

I'm so tired I think I'm overtired. - 我好累, 我想我是累過頭了。

If you feel tired at work, Just take a vacation. - 如果你覺得工作太累了,不防去度假。

I've been studying all day, and I'm sick and tired of it. - 我學了一天,現在感到厭倦。

I'm sick and tired of your criticisms. - 不要再說了,我已經聽膩了你的批評。

I'm sick and tired of you! - 你讓我煩透了。

I'm tired of working all day. - 我厭倦整天工作。

I'm sick and tired of having to take care of your brother just because he refuses to go out and find a job. - 只是因為你弟弟不肯出去找工作就得我來照顧他,這真讓我煩透了。

I was so tired I couldn't keep up with her. - 我太累了,跟不上她的步伐。

I got sick and tired of hotels. - 我討厭旅館。

I'm tired of going to school day after day. - 我厭倦每天上學。

I'm sick and tired of your complaints, be quiet. - 我已經聽厭了你的抱怨,別說了。

I'm sick and tired of my monotonous life. - 我對自己的單調生活感到厭倦。

I'm always tired when I come home from work. - 當我完成工作回家時,我總是疲倦的。

He's tired because he worked hard all day today. - 他疲倦是因為他今天整天努力工作。

I was very tired this morning. I couldn't get up. - 我早上很累,起不來。

In a word,I am tired of everything. - 總之,我對一切都很厭倦。

I will continue my learning, though I am tired of learning English. - 儘管我很煩英語,我還是要學它。

She told reporters she felt very tired and didn't want to make another film for a long time.' - 她告訴記者她感到很疲勞,早就不想再拍電影了。

The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. - 於是他們撲滅了篝火,鑽進了帳篷。

Her shopping had tired her and her basket ad grown heavier with every step of the way home. - 去商店買東西把她搞得筋疲力盡;在回家的路上,她每走一步,就感到手裡的籃子又重了一點。

It is no use offering the manual labourer, tired out with a hard week's sweat and effort, - 對於流汗出力幹了一周苦活的體力勞動者來說,是不合適的;

I'm tired of working all day. - 整日工作使我厭煩。

I am too tired to speak. - 我累得說不出活來。

I was very tired when I arrived home. I'd been working hard all day. - 我到家時非常累。我一整天都在玩命地幹!

Hello. You look tired today. - 你好。你今天顯得有點兒累。

I think so. But he seemed rather tired last night. - 我想睡得好。但昨晚他看起來有點累。

Yes, I feel tired all the time. - 對,我總是感到累。

I really enjoy it, but I'm tired of so much reading. - 我可喜歡學啦!但要讀的東西太多,我很煩。

Fortunately people want to come and hear me play, but I am getting very tired of travelling. - 幸運的是,人們都想來聽我演奏,但是我對旅行感到厭倦了。


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