





Tomn. 湯姆(男子名)


tom 雄火雞;湯姆;太陽之神;湯姆 英國,拉丁 一對孿生子;Tom Doctoroff 唐銳濤;多克托羅夫;唐銳濤先生;特羅夫;Tom Glavine 葛拉文;湯姆·葛拉文;格拉文;tom brokaw 布羅考;湯姆·布羅考;湯姆布洛考;Tom Petty 湯姆·佩蒂;湯姆佩蒂;湯姆-佩蒂;湯姆 佩蒂;


1.Tom:This is my best friend, Jack. 湯姆:這是我最好的朋友,傑克。

2.Shall Tom go there with me tomorrow? 湯姆明天可以和我一起去嗎?

3.Need I tell Tom?/Do you think I need tell Tom? 我需要告訴湯姆嗎?/你認為我需要告訴湯姆嗎?


Hello, my name is Tom with Steve Rogers. - 喂,你好,我是Steve Rogers公司的湯姆。

Yes, Tom sure knows how to throw a party. - 是的,湯姆的確是搞派對的能手。

Scene: Tom and his wife have invited Carl and David for dinner. - 場景:湯姆和他夫人邀請卡爾和大衛吃晚飯。

So what's the latest in the Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman fiasco? - 你沒有湯姆.克魯斯和尼可.基曼婚姻破裂的最新消息?

You can't count on Tom being punctual. - 你不要指望湯姆會守時。

Since Tom Lee is our sole agent for our products in Korea, we can't make you a direct offer. - 因為湯姆·李是我方產品在韓國的獨家代理人,所以我們不能直接向您發盤。

Would you tell her Tom Gray Called? - 請你告訴她湯姆i格雷來過電話,好嗎?

She fears Tom will drop out of school. - 她擔心湯姆會休學。

There's more knows Tom Fool than Tom Fool knows. - 臭名氣並不光彩。

If Tom cannot keep his promise, he'll lose face. - 如果湯姆不能信守諾言,他就會丟面子。

I borrowed a notebook from Tom and I lent it to Marry. - 我從湯姆那兒借了一本筆記本,我又把它借給瑪麗了。

But that's impossible.Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.Look through the window. - 但這是不可能的。卡羅爾和湯姆請我們來吃午飯。從窗子往裡看看。

I don't think it is advisable that Tom be assigned to the job since he has no experience. - 我覺得把這工作交給湯姆做並不明智,因為他沒有經驗。

This afternoon the biggest football match of the year will be on TV. Tom won't feel well till it's over. You wait. After the game he'll be fine! - 今天下午,今年最大的一場足球比賽將在電視上播出。球踢完了,湯姆的病就好了。你等著瞧!比賽結束,他一定會好的!

My name's Tom Goode, by the way. - 我叫湯姆·古德,順便告訴你。

Present at the meeting were Clare Flower, Tom Goode, the lawyer and the detective, who was introduced to everyone as the lawyer's assistant. - 出席會議的有克萊爾·弗勞爾、湯姆·古德、律師與被當作律師助理介紹給大家的偵探

When the police officer had taken away Hope Darwin, Tom Goode turned to the lawyer. - 當警官帶走霍普·達爾文以後,湯姆·古德轉向律師說。

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