v. emboss ,stampn. foreman ,hirer ,knob ,party bossa. brag
BOSS[bɔs]n. 老闆;首領;工頭vt. 指揮,調遣;當…的領導vi. 當首領,發號施令
BOSS 業務運營支撐系統;靶墊;運營支撐系統;支持器,支柱;own boss 不再受雇於人了;不再受雇於人了 [ 結 束;不再受雇於人;Centre boss 輪轂;中央套筒,中央婆司;farm boss 產油礦區經理;工頭;工長;采油監督人;boss plate 轂板;包轂板;轂板(船);
1.The boss gave us a rush job. 上司派給我們一個緊急任務。
2.I do good, my boss never remembers. 我做的好時,老闆從來不記得。
3.You see your boss there before you! 您看見您的上司已在公司裡!
Is the boss coming by? - 是老闆過來了嗎?
My boss and some friends at the office. - 我老闆和辦公室的同事。
My boss is a slave driver. - 我的老闆指使我們像指使奴隸似的。
My boss expects me to work day and night. - 我的老闆恨不得我一天到晚地工作。
Our boss expects us to eat, drink and sleep our job. - 我們老闆恨不得我們把工作當飯吃,當水喝,當覺睡。
My boss thinks I'm a machine. - 我的老闆把我當機器使喚。
Our boss would love it if we were robots. - 我們老闆恨不得我們是機器人。
Our boss doesn't give us any slack - 我們老闆不讓我們有一絲鬆懈。
My boss does everything by the book. - 我們老闆一切照章辦事。
Our boss doesn't allow creative thinking. - 我們老闆不容許創造性的思維存在。
Why does the boss have such a large, comfortable chair? - 為什麼老闆有張那麼舒服寬大的椅子?
She told the boss the was quitting. - 她告訴老闆說她打算辭職。
The boss is waiting in his office for us to come and explain why we failed to finish this work on time. - 老闆在他的辦公室裡等著我們前去說明未能按期完成這個工作的理由。
The problem is that my boss says he can't keep my job open for me. - 可問題是老闆說他無法繼續保留我的工作。
She is the boss in the house. - 她是一家之主。
Won't you come alone with me? My boss wants to see you. - 能跟我一起來嗎?我們老闆有事要見你。
I meet the boss himself. - 我見到了老闆本人。
His boss might get angry with him. - 他的老闆也許會生他的氣。
They stopped talking when their boss came in. - 當老闆進來的時候;他們停止了交談。
How ever you may work hard, the boss will not be fully satisfied. - 無論你有多努力,老闆總不會完全滿意。
Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela? - 請你把這封信給老闆打一下可以嗎,帕梅拉?
My boss answered the telephone. - 辦公室,是我的老闆接的。
What did your boss say to him? - 你老闆是怎麼對他說的?
I said I would be at your house at six o'clock, but the boss want me to do some extra work. - 我說過我6點到你家,但老闆要我加班。
I'd like to have my boss go through the plant some day. - 我真想叫我老闆哪天也過來看看。
I'll have to ask my boss first. - 我必須先問一下我的老闆。
My boss is leaving for South Korea. - 我老闆馬上要去韓國。
n. flange mounted boss bushing - 凸緣安裝襯套
n. flange mounted boss bushing - 凸緣安裝輪轂襯套
n. demountable boss bushing - 可拆卸帶凸台導套
n. demountable boss bushing - 可拆卸的帶凸台導套
n. boss tool - 止擋工具
n. boss bushing - 軸襯套