ANTLION COLOSSEUM 河床的紀念碑球場;Colosseum 羅馬鬥獸場;競技場;鬥獸場;圓形競技場;Pokemon Colosseum 口袋妖怪競技場;口袋競技場;Roman Colosseum 意大利羅馬大鬥獸場;羅馬圓形大劇場;Colosseum Iran 斗售黃洞石;
1.The arch is located in the valley of the Colosseum, between the Palatine Hill and the Colosseum, along the road taken by the triumphal processions. 這座拱型建築物坐落於帕拉蒂尼山和羅馬圓形競技場中間的谷地,就在昔日凱旋隊伍行經的道路旁。
2.The arch is located in the valley of the Colosseum, between the Palatine Hill and the Colosseum, along the road taken by the triumphal processions. 這座拱型建築物坐落於帕拉蒂尼山和羅馬圓形競技場中間的谷地,就在昔日凱旋隊伍行經的道路旁。
3.The front sides of the medals awarded at the Games of the Olympiads feature an image of a Hellenic goddess holding a laurel wreath with the Athens Colosseum in the background. 在奧林匹亞舉行奧運會時,所頒的獎牌正面圖案為以雅典圓形劇場為前景,手拿榮譽花冠的海倫女神。
4.The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of Rome, it is the sand of Colosseum . 羅馬跳動的心不是議會的大理石柱,而是圓形競技場的黃沙。
5.However, only one European site, the Colosseum, was picked for the new seven wonders. 然而,只有唯一的歐洲遺跡,鬥獸場被選為世界新七大奇跡。