





n. crystallization ,lechatelierite ,quartz ,watch crystal


crystal['kristəl]n. 結晶,晶體;水晶;水晶飾品adj. 水晶的;透明的,清澈的


Crystal 水晶;水晶的;克莉斯多 希臘 晶瑩的冰,透明的靈魂,沒有欺瞞;水晶色;Crystal Ball 水晶球;狗頭包;玻璃球體;水晶球軟件;liquid crystal 液晶;液晶體;液態晶體;液態的晶體;crystal oscillator 晶體振蕩器;石英振蕩器;晶體振蕩器晶體振蕩器;晶振;rock crystal 水晶;水晶 水晶;水晶,石英(二氧化硅);白水晶;


1.But I looked in my crystal ball yesterday and you are not! 可我昨天看了看我的水晶球,你可不是這麼回事!

2.Because it is clean, crystal clear, chaste, the life also is short. 因為它是乾淨的,晶瑩的,純潔的,生命也是短暫的。

3.Some people need time to adjust their frequency to that of the crystal so they can read into it. 有些人需要一些時間來調整它們的頻率來適合水晶,因此他們就可以讀懂水晶。


A crystal chandelier would look great in the living room. - 在這間臥室裡放一盞水晶吊燈會很漂亮的。

The sun was shining and the sky was crystal clear. - 陽光閃爍,天空湛藍。

After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said: 'A relation of yours is coming to see you. - 「您的一個親戚就要來看您了。

Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteeth century was the Crystal Palace, which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. - 19世紀最不尋常的建築也許要數水晶宮了,它是為1851年的「世界博覽會」而建在海德公園的。

The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world, for it was made of iron and glass. - 這座水晶宮不同於世界上所有的其他建築,因為它是用鋼和玻璃建成的。

On arriving in England, they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train. - 一到英國,火車就把他們送到了水晶宮。

Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London. - 後來,「水晶宮」被移到了倫敦南部。


n. single crystal alloys - 單晶合金

n. single crystal grain - 單晶晶粒

n. single crystal growth method - 單晶生長法

n. single crystal superalloy - 單晶超合金

n. single crystal superalloy - 單晶超耐熱合金

n. single crystal grain - 單晶顆粒

hemochromogen crystal test - 原結晶試驗

n. double crystal probe - 雙晶體探頭

n. double crystal probe - 雙晶探頭

crystal sclerenchyma - 含晶厚壁組織

crystal idioblast - 含晶異細胞

crystal fiber - 含晶纖維

crystal cell - 含晶細胞

n. epitaxial crystal growth - 外延晶體生長

multiple crystal endocardiography - 多晶體心內心動電流描記法

crystal ultrasonic examination - 多晶體超聲檢查

n. curved crystal probe - 彎晶探測器

n. curved crystal probe - 彎曲晶體探針

rotating crystal pattern - 旋晶衍射圖

x-ray crystal structure - 晶體X射線結構

n. crystal deformation angle - 晶體變形角

n. crystal field - 晶體場

crystal field splitting - 晶體場分裂

crystal field theory - 晶體場理論

n. crystal mosaic - 晶體嵌鑲

crystal structure - 晶體平面

n. crystal deformation angle - 晶體形變角

crystal field effect - 晶體成長

n. crystal finish - 晶體拋光

n. crystal conformation - 晶體構型

crystal osmotic pressure; crystalloid osmotic pressure - 晶體滲透壓

n. crystal growth point - 晶體生長點

crystal earphone - 晶體管牙科電機

crystal powder - 晶體粉末

n. crystal finish - 晶體精加工

crystal structure - 晶體結構

n. crystal structure analysis - 晶體結構分析

n. crystal structure factor - 晶體結構因子

crystal growth - 晶體耳機

crystal diffraction - 晶體衍射

crystal counter - 晶體計數器

crystal scintillation counter - 晶體鑠計數器

n. crystal mosaic - 晶體鑲嵌

n. crystal set - 晶體集

crystal sac - 晶囊

n. crystal field - 晶場

crystal form; crystalform - 晶形

crystal nucleus - 晶核

crystal lattice - 晶格

n. crystal phase - 晶相


n.各向異性晶體 - aeolotropic crystal

n.白蛋白晶體 - albumin crystal

n.尿酸銨結晶 - ammonium urate crystal

n.羊水結晶 - amniotic fluid crystal

n.各向異性晶體 - anisotropic crystal

n.膽紅素結晶 - bilirubin crystal

n.膽紅素鈣結晶 - calcium bilirubinate crystal

n.碳酸鈣結晶 - calcium carbonate crystal

膽甾醇型液晶 - cholesteric liquid crystal

膽固醇結晶 - cholesterin crystal

n.膽甾醇結晶 - cholestero crystal

n.簇晶 - cluster crystal

n.柱晶 - column crystal

n.對映結晶 - enantiomorphous crystal

n.羊齒狀結晶 - fernlike crystal

n.羽毛狀結晶 - feathery crystal

n.游離脂酸結晶 - free fatty acid crystal

n.蘇木精結晶 - haematine crystal

n.蘇木精晶體 - hematine crystal

n.原結晶試驗 - hemochromogen crystal test

n.六方晶,六角晶體 - hexagonal crystal

n.羥基磷灰石結晶 - hydroxyapatite crystal

n.晶種 - inoculating crystal

n.離子晶體 - ionic crystal

n.葉片狀結晶 - leaflet crystal

n.液晶固定相 - liqud crystal stationary phase

n.液晶 - liquid crystal

n.液晶圖像 - liquid crystal pattern

n.液晶熱圖像 - liquid crystal thermogram

漩柱狀溫度計錄儀 - liquid crystal thermography

n.溶致液晶 - lyotropic liquid crystal

n.混合晶,混晶 - mixed crystal

n.分子晶體 - molecular crystal

n.單斜晶 - monoclinic crystal

n.多晶體心內心動電流描記法 - multiple crystal endocardiography

針狀活晶,針狀結晶 - needle crystal

向列型液器 - nematic liquid crystal

n.八面晶體 - octahedral crystal

n.單斜晶 - oblique crystal

n.壓電晶體 - piezoelectric crystal

n.板狀晶體 - plast crystal

n.稜晶,稜狀結晶體 - prismatic crystal

n.方晶 - prismatioc crystal

n.蛋白質結晶 - protein crystal

n.假外消旋混晶 - pseudoracemic mixed crystal

n.石英晶體 - quartz crystal

n.石英晶體微量天平 - quartz crystal microbalance

n.菱晶 - rhombohedral crystal

n.菱形晶系 - rhombohedral crystal system

n.蓮座晶體 - rosette crystal

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