Advanced Futures and Options 高級期貨和期權;jiangsu holly futures brokerages 江蘇弘業期貨經紀有限公司;China considers bailing out of costly futures contracts 政府出手援助金融衍生合約;Futures Contract 期貨合約;期貨合同;期貨契約;(期貨): 一種在將來某個日期以特定價格交易金融工具、貨幣或者商品的方式;Eurodollar futures 歐洲美元期貨;歐洲美元期貨 -------[光年網原創;歐洲美元利率期貨;歐洲美元期貨 財經;
1.The so-called steel futures is the subject of steel futures for variety, you can trade futures on the steel rebar and wire rod futures . 所謂的鋼材期貨就是以鋼材為標的物的期貨品種,可以交易的鋼材期貨是螺紋鋼期貨和線材期貨。
2.The futures exchange also traded in four currency futures and 17 stock futures contracts. 香港期貨交易所亦買賣四種貨幣期貨及17種股票期貨合約。
3.CBOT products, beans futures markets mixed, soybean meal demand fundamentals support higher futures, crude oil futures were to follow the market go soft. CBOT豆類產品期貨市場漲跌不一,需求基本面支撐豆粕期貨走高,豆油期貨則跟隨原油市場走軟。
4.Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sell and buy in the futures market . 一般來說,在期貨市場上買進賣出的是期貨契約,而不是商品。
5.In this article, we shall use the soon-to-be-launched "Simex MSCI Singapore Stock Index Futures" (or "SiMSCI Futures for short") for illustration. 我們在本文將會介紹預定推出的「摩根新加坡指數期貨指數」(簡稱為「摩根新加坡指數」)。