nonanaln. 壬醛
nonanal 壬醛;正壬醛;天竺葵醛;n-nonanal 正壬醛;天竺癸醛;壬醛;
1.Of the four ingredients that dominated the human odors, the team found one, called nonanal, that for unknown reasons was also present at high levels in the bird samples. 研究小組發現:在人類氣味中占主導地位的四種成分中,有一種叫做壬醛,不知何故,這種成分在兩種鳥類的氣味採樣中也佔有很高的濃度。
2.When the researchers added nonanal to these traps, their catch increased by about 50%, they report online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 本周,研究人員在《美國科學院院刊》在線版上報道:在這些誘捕蚊子的裝置中添加了壬醛之後,捕捉量增加了約50%。
3.Different degrees of B. melanopus stress could induce the synthesis of 23 aromatic constituents like 1, 6-methylene annulene, but inhibit the formation of 6 constituents as nonanal. 不同程度的侵害脅迫,能誘導形成不同種類的芳香物質的合成,侵害處理可誘導1,6-亞甲基輪烯等23種物質的形成,同時也可抑制壬醛等6種物質的形成。