rededicate 再次奉獻;
1.Today, we rededicate ourselves to the preservation of those inalienable rights. 今天,我們要再次為保衛那些神聖不可侵犯的權利而奉獻出我們的一切。
2.President Bush opened the Memorial Day weekend with a call for Americans to rededicate themselves to the war on terror. 在週末陣亡將士紀念日上,布什總統用呼籲美國人們致力於反恐戰爭作為開場白。
3.To strengthen our position in the 21st century, we must rededicate ourselves to harnessing the creative spirit that has made America great. 21世紀,為了鞏固我們的地位,我們必須將曾鑄造美國輝煌的創新精神繼續發揚光大。