roque[rəuk]n. 槌球;(美)短柄槌球(一種在硬地面上玩的遊戲)
roque 槌球;羅克;短柄槌球;Roque Junior 儒尼奧爾;Roque Banos 巴諾斯;Marianito Roque 勞工部長羅克;Roque Benavides 貝納維德斯;
1.It is not clear why and when people began to see Saint Roque not only as a healer but also as the patron saint of the unmarried. 人們將聖羅克視為醫治者與單身者守護聖徒的原因與起緣時間並不清楚。梅娜補充說:「我三十二歲,打從我有記憶開始,人們就在街頭跳舞尋找伴侶。」
2.quotaraguay are a good side and I know they have Roque Santa Cruz upfront who plays in Germany for Bayern Munich – he'll be a threat. " 巴拉圭是很好的球隊,我知道在拜仁慕尼黑的踢球的前鋒洛克。聖。克魯斯——他是個威脅。
3.A man barbecues meat in an attempt to break a record for the world's largest barbecue in Mariano Roque Alonso, on the outskirts of Asuncion, Paraguay, Sunday, Oct. 2
6. (AP. 十月廿六日週日,位於巴拉圭亞松森市郊的瑪利亞諾羅克阿隆索,一名男子正在燒烤,嘗試打破燒烤世界記錄。(美聯社照片)