





n. tissue paperv. weave


tissue['tiʃju:, -sju:]n. 紙巾;薄紗;一套vt. 飾以薄紗;用化妝紙揩去


tissue 組織;面紙;薄紙;紙巾;tissue paper 包裝紙;襯紙,拷貝紙;拷貝紙;薄紙,棉紙;Tissue forceps 組織鑷;組織鉗;有齒鑷子;組織鑷,組織鉗;epithelial tissue 上皮組織;表皮組織;皮上組織;皮膜組織;tissue culture 組織培養;組織培養;由於植物組培;釋義:組織培養;


1.Can I have some tissue paper? 可以給我幾張衛生紙嗎?

2.Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Liver Cirrhosis, Liver (Paraffin. 組織,切片,病人,肝硬化,肝(石蠟切片。

3.Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Liver Cirrhosis, Spleen (Paraffin. 組織,切片,病人,肝硬化,脾(石蠟切片。


internal respiration; internal respriation; tissue respiration - 內呼吸

animal tissue culture-medium - 動物組織培養基

median tissue culture infectiv - 半數組織培養感染量劑

median tissue culture dose - 半數組織培養量

double prongs tissue retractor - 雙爪牽開器

coenzyme a in tissue oxidation在組織氧化中的輔酶a - 在組織氧化中的輔酶A

coenzyme a in tissue oxidation - 在組織氧化中的輔酶a

uterine tissue grasping forceps - 子宮組織抓取鉗

uterine tissue forceps - 子宮組織鉗

elastic tissue degeneration - 彈力組織變性

elastic tissue proliferation - 彈力組織增生

microwave tissue coagulator - 微波組織凝固器

promoting pus discharge and tissue regeneration - 托毒生肌

tissue grasping forceps - 持組織鑷

supporting tissue of tooth - 支持組織

living tissue specimen - 活組織標本

mixed connective tissue disease; mixedconnectivetissuedisease - 混合型結締組織病

mixed connective tissue disease; mixedconnectivetissuedisease - 混合結締組織病

special tissue fluid - 特殊組織液

regeneration of the tissue and arrest of bleeding - 生薑

promoting tissue regeneration - 生新

promoting granulation; promoting tissue regeneration; regeneration of the tissue - 生肌

platelet factor 3; tissue thromboplastin - 第三因子

third molar tissue retractor - 第三磨牙組織牽開器

histocompatibility; tissue affinity - 組織親和性

tissue storage - 組織儲藏

tissue immunity - 組織免役

tissue typing - 組織分型

tissue dose rate - 組織劑量率

tissue homogenate - 組織勻漿

tissue culture - 組織培養

tissue culture dose - 組織培養劑量

tissue culture medium - 組織培養基

tissue coding factor - 組織密碼因子

tissue equivalent - 組織當量

tissue specificity - 組織特異性

tissue specific antigen - 組織特異性抗原

tissue depletion - 組織耗竭

tissue slice - 組織薄片

tissue equivalent dose - 組織閾量

connective tissue proliferation - 結締組織增生

connective tissue massage - 結締組織按摩

connective tissue stain - 結締組織染劑

arthritis of connective tissue disease - 結締組織病性關節炎

myopathy of connective tissue disease - 結締組織病性肌病

connective tissue cell; phorocyte - 結締組織細胞

connective tissue activating peptide - 結蒂組織激活肽

injury of the soft tissue of elbow - 肘部傷筋

lung tissue forceps - 肺部組織鑷

heteroplastic tissue tumor of kidnty - 腎異種組織腫瘤


畸變的甲狀腺組織,異位甲狀腺組織 - aberrant thyroid tissue

異常組織 - abnormal tissue

n.吸收組織 - absorption tissue

n.吸收組織 - absorptive tissue

n.脂肪組織 - adipose tissue

n.脂肪組織增生 - adipose tissue hyperplasia

動物組織 - animal tissue

n.動物組織培養基 - animal tissue culture-medium

n.儲水組織 - aqueous tissue

n.蜂窩組織 - areolar tissue

n.同化組織 - assimilating tissue

同化組織 - assimilatory tissue

n.結締組織病性關節炎 - arthritis of connective tissue disease

生檢組織 - biopsy tissue

n.腦活組織檢查 - biosy of brain tissue

n.形體組織 - body tissue

骨組織 - bone tissue

骨組織 - bony tissue

周邊組織運動,周緣組織之運動 - border tissue movements

乳癌組織 - breast cancer tissue

n.腦組織鑷 - brain tissue forceps

支氣管關連淋巴組織 - bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue

褐色脂肪組織 - brown adipose tissue

鈣化組織 - calcified tissue

癌組織 - cancer tissue

心肌組織 - cardiac muscle tissue

癌組織 - carcinoma tissue

n.軟骨組織 - cartilage tissue

軟骨組織 - cartilaginous tissue

細胞組織培養 - cell and tissue culture

細胞組織,蜂窩組織 - cellular tissue

n.中樞淋巴組織 - central lymphoid tissue

n.軟骨樣組織 - chondroid tissue

n.嗜鉻組織 - chromaffin tissue

n.在組織氧化中的輔酶a - coenzyme a in tissue oxidation

n.在組織氧化中的輔酶A - coenzyme a in tissue oxidation在組織氧化中的輔酶a

n.疤痕組織 - cicatricial tissue

n.膠原組織 - collagen tissue

n.膠原結締組織 - collagenic connective tissue

膠原結締組織 - collagenous connective tissue

總肝組織血流量 - common hepatic tissue blood flow

傳導組織 - conductive tissue

n.復合組織 - complex tissue

n.結締組織 - connective tissue

n.結蒂組織激活肽 - connective tissue activating peptide

n.結締組織細胞 - connective tissue cell

結締組織疾病ase - connective tissue dise

結締組織疾病,結締組織病 - connective tissue disease

結締組織疾病 - connective tissue disorder

結締組織纖維 - connective tissue fiber


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