bonairen. 博內爾島(荷屬安的列斯群島中的大島)
Bonaire 博內爾島(荷屬安地列斯);博奈爾島;博內爾島;博內爾島圖片;Bonaire Island 博奈爾島;School of Fish Bonaire 博內爾島魚群壁紙;博內爾島魚群桌布;Bonaire Salt Flats West Indies 西印度群島:博納維爾鹽灘壁紙;西印度群島:博納維爾鹽灘桌布;Bonaire Apartments Ibiza Island San Antonio Bay Ibiza Island 伊比沙島 酒店;
1.It has already battered the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Curasao and Bonaire. 它已經襲擊了加勒比海阿魯巴、庫臘索及博內爾群島。
2.Orange cup coral clusters on a pier piling on Bonaire Island in the West Indies. 圖片畫廊。橙色的杯子珊瑚群集在碼頭打樁工程在博內爾島在西印度群島。
3.Hurricane Felix has been upgraded to a category four storm. It has already battered the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Curasao and Bonaire. 颶風費利克斯已經升為四級颶風,並襲擊了加勒比海沿岸的阿魯巴島、克拉索島以及博內爾島。